Digital Homecare Helper guide review - People Bank involvement

Closed 1 Jul 2023

Opened 1 Jun 2023


The Being Digital team at East Sussex County Council are providing Amazon Alexa devices to adults living with disabilities, to understand how virtual assistance could benefit them. A guide has been created for participants to explain: ways to use the device, responsibilities of owning the device, data protection and information sharing.

In June 2023, three People Bank members reviewed this guide and provided feedback to ensure it was understandable, engaging, and effective.

What was learnt from the feedback?

  • The guide felt sufficient to reduce potential risks to the user of the device
  • Ways to adjust the tone & content of the guide, including areas to expand on
  • Improvements for how to explain the device set-up & functions

What changed as a result?

The guide was radically redrafted, which included:

  • A new and more engaging title
  • Condensing sections by removing jargon & making information more accessible
  • More defined sections, with clearer headings and additional information added where it felt lacking (e.g., on tech support & what the device can do)
  • Change to the layout and order of contents in a way that felt more logical

What impact did the changes and feedback make?

  • Helping the project take a more practical approach, so the technology can be more widely adopted by East Sussex County Council
  • The guide has more depth and relevant content for the user. It also has a wider reach, helping meet more user needs
  • People Bank feedback supported development and approval of the Data Protection Impact Assessment for the project.

The feedback and support was “invaluable” – Project Lead


  • All Areas


  • Residents of East Sussex


  • Care and support services (adults)