Recruiting a personal assistant checklist user testing - People Bank Involvement

Closed 24 May 2024

Opened 20 May 2024


Following the closure of Support with Confidence, a checklist has been created to support residents in choosing a personal assistant (PA). The checklist provides information on what a PA can do, where you can find PAs and what things to consider when choosing one. To make sure the checklist is clear, easy to use and fit for purpose, we asked People Bank members to test it.

What our user testers said

How we responded

1. It would be useful for links to open up in separate webpage tabs.

1. Guidance states that opening new tabs conflicts with accessibility requirements, in particular for those with visual impairments or using a screen reader.

2. It needs some clear top tips for sourcing a personal assistant, covering things like common problems.

2. Common/important things to consider have been added (however a suggested payrate is not something we can advise on).

3. Are people on 1Space already screened? If so, this needs to be made clear.

3. 1Space do not screen personal assistants and there is a clear disclaimer on each PA’s profile regarding this.

4. Link to 1Space webpage is not clear.

4. Link is now clearer and more prominent.

5. Information on what a personal assistant is, and when you may need one should be clearer and not just a link to another page.

5. More detailed description of personal assistants, what they can offer, and how they can help you has been added to the checklist.

6. Information on how employment status is determined is missing.

6. A clear statement on how employment status is determined has been added.

7. Information on employment status is difficult to follow and does not leave the reader feeling clear on what to do next or what is involved with being an employer.

7. The order of this information has been changed. The reader is also advised on how Independent Lives can give guidance on being an employer.

8. The web link in the employment status information is not clear and the page itself is slightly unclear.

8. The contents of the linked webpage are under review to be improved and more instructive.

9. More information about who Independent Lives are and what they can offer is needed.

9. More comprehensive information has been added on who Independent Lives are and what support they offer.

10. The ‘Contacting a PA’ section feels too long and in the wrong order.

10. Section has been renamed ‘User questions when contacting a possible PA’. The text in this section updated to be more succinct and flow better.

11. Terms like safeguarding or DBS checks may be unfamiliar to some people

11. Definitions and links have been added to explain terms. Readers are strongly recommended to ensure a DBS check has been completed.

12. Readers should be encouraged more to meet a personal assistant before hiring them.

12. Wording has been amended to strongly encourage readers to meet a possible PA before hiring.

I would like to thank the People Bank for their time to review and give feedback on the PA checklist. This provided an invaluable insight into how the checklist will be received and used by East Sussex residents” –  Project Manager


  • All Areas


  • Residents of East Sussex


  • Care and support services (adults)