Reviewing our feedback project aim - People Bank Involvement

Closed 10 Dec 2024

Opened 25 Nov 2024


In Adult Social Care we’ve started a new project to improve how we collect, analyse and act on feedback from adults who draw on our services. This includes compliments and other comments, as well as complaints. As part of the project, we have written project aims for how we collect and use feedback in Adult Social Care. The aims were user tested by some of our People Bank members to ensure they make sense and are meaningful.

What People Bank members said

How we responded

1. You agreed that the aim makes it clear that getting feedback from people is important to us.

1. We are pleased to hear that this comes across clearly in the aim.  

2. You said that the aim shows our commitment to telling people what has happened because of their feedback.

2. We know that this is important to people, so it’s good to know that our commitment to doing that comes across.

3. Most of you said that the wording made sense and felt clear, although there some specific suggestions for wording:

  1. Use more meaningful alternative to ‘people’.
  2. Add ‘with us’ to sentence 1 to clarify who experiences are being shared with.
  3. Add ‘with them’ to sentence 2 to clarify who we are telling about the response to feedback.
  4. Change ‘we will’ to ‘we want to’.
  5. Add further description to ‘in a way that works for them’ in sentence 1: ‘in any way that is convenient’ and ‘format’.
  6. Add sentence about analysing and acting on feedback.
  7. Highlight that by telling people what we’ve done, this will raise their awareness of how they contribute to improvements.

3. Specific wording comments addressed below:

  1. To make it more meaningful we have changed it to ‘people who access adult social care.
  2. We have added ‘with us’ as suggested.
  3. Who we are telling about what happens with the feedback will vary depending on how it is collected and who it comes from, so we haven’t made this suggested change.
  4. We debated this in the project board and agreed that saying ‘we will’ would be a firmer statement of intent, so we haven’t made this suggested change.
  5. The current language of ‘in a way that works for them’ is simpler and more inclusive, so we haven’t made this suggested change.
  6. We want to keep the aim really short and focused, so we haven’t made this suggested change. But we can confirm there will be guidance and training for staff on how to use what people tell us. 
  7. We know that people share feedback because they want to make a difference, but as we want to keep the aim simple and short we haven’t made this suggested change.

4. What it the intended audience – professionals, service users or both? Suggestion to differentiate language for different audiences.

4. The primary audience for the aim at this stage is staff, but it’s likely that it will inform communication about feedback with people who receive support from us at some point in the future.  

5. Is the commitment to making improvements based on feedback achievable?

5. We know it’s important for people to hear about what happens with their feedback, including when changes can’t be made. We have changed the second sentence to try and make it clearer that it isn’t always possible to make improvements. 

6. How will feedback be collected in scenarios where a provider delivers a service on ESCC’s behalf? Need to consider the practicalities and resources.

6. This project is focused on the feedback we collect directly in adult social care, but we will use the learning to inform the expectations we set with providers for them to collect feedback.

7. Request to see stronger commitment to sustain services whatever the economic climate to acknowledge the importance of Adult Social Care.

7. Unfortunately, that is not within the remit of this project, however we hope this work will provide tools to support staff and people who access our services to improve the services we provide and make them as effective as we can.

“Setting out our aims clearly and concisely will help provide a clear direction and spell out our commitment to feedback. It’s important we get it right and the People Bank has help to do that.” - Project Strategic Manager


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