30 hours Free Childcare (parent survey)

Closed 8 Jul 2016

Opened 16 May 2016


In September 2017 East Sussex County Council will introduce the 30 hours of extended free childcare for the working parents of 3 and 4 year olds. We want to hear the views and experiences of parents to help shape the operation and delivery of the extra childcare. This will help  us improve current and future childcare for parents and their children within East Sussex. If your child is 5 years or above we are interested to hear how you might have used this if it had been available.

Why your views matter

This consultation seeks views on how the 30 hour extended free childcare might work best for you.

Specific aspects that we would welcome your views on are:

  • how places might be delivered more flexibly;
  • provision for children with special education needs and disabilities, and
  • information about childcare for parents.


The survey is anonymous and all answers will be kept confidential. You will be asked at the beginning of the survey to consider the age of the child you will be basing your answers on, this will tell us if your answers relate to current or future childcare.

This short survey should not take more than 15 minutes to complete.


  • All Areas


  • Parents, carers or guardians


  • Support for parents, carers and young people