COMF - Expression of Interest Application Form - February 2022

Closed 9 Jan 2022

Opened 2 Oct 2021

Results expected 14 Feb 2022

Feedback expected 15 Feb 2022


February half term holiday provision 2022 - Expression of Interest form

Funding is available to enable providers to continue to provide holiday activities and food over the February half term in 2022. Although the funding is from a different source (from the "Contain Outbreak Management Fund") , this is similar in scope to the HAF activities funded  in 2021 and is intended to ensure there is a consistent holiday offer available for young people across East Sussex ahead of the next round of HAF provision during Easter 2022.

The requirements for the February provision are similar to those for HAF funding - ie the provision of enriching activities and food to eligible young people.

The focus is on those in receipt of benefits-related free school meals but also can include young people from the additional cohorts able to access HAF provision (open to CAMHS or school mental health service, disabled, with an EHCP or other SEND, young carers, those with a disabled sibling, Electively Home Educated, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller, those supported by Family Focus services provided by ESCC, Children in Need, Children on a CP plan or Looked After Children and those living in areas of high deprivation.

Please note this funding needs to be allocated ASAP to ensure provision is able to take place during the February half term in 2022. As such EOIs will be assessed once they are received and so funding may be allocated in the order the bids were received, as long as they meet the funding criteria. There is therefore no specific deadline for applications but we encourage providers to submit these as soon as possible.


  • All Areas


  • Providers of services


  • Children and young people
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Support for parents, carers and young people
  • Schools and school admissions
  • Social care services (children and young people)