Coram Voice follow up questions

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Closes 10 Sep 2024


1. What has helped you or would help you to have really good friends. Tick as many as you wish.
2. Is there anything missing from this list?
3. What can schools do to help you feel safe in school? Put the actions in order of what would work best at the top and worst at the bottom.
4. What else can schools do to help you feel safe in school?
5. What three important things could adults do to help you feel settled where you live? Please number 1 to 3.
6. Here are things that adults can do to prevent you from feeling embarrassed about being in care. Put them in order of importance to you with the most important at the top.
7. What else could adults do to prevent you from feeling embarrassed about being in care?
8. Name 3 things that you feel people of your age do that are worthwhile
9. What thing/s do you do that you feel are worthwhile (these can be small or big things)?
10. What would you like to do that is worthwhile?
11. If there was an opportunity to socialise with other looked after children would you be interested?
12. A PEP is your Personal Education Plan – a plan that makes sure you are supported to be as successful as you can be now and in the future. How can schools make sure you feel involved in that plan? Tick as many as you wish
13. What else could schools do to make sure you feel involved in your PEP?