East Sussex Clerking Consultation (Clerks)

Closed 25 Mar 2018

Opened 15 Mar 2018


The Department for Education recognises the value of professional quality clerking to governing boards in maintained schools, academies and multi-academy trusts. As anyone who has experienced professional clerking will testify, it provides an invaluable contribution to the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and compliance of the governing board. A professional clerk works in partnership with the chair to keep the board focused on its core strategic priorities, provides independent and expert advice and guidance to the board on its duties and functions, and delivers administrative support that makes everything work smoothly. Clerking Competency Framework, April 2017, Department for Education

The East Sussex Governor and Clerking Service supports the view expressed in the Clerking Competency Framework and provides a range of support, advice and training to clerks so that they are enabled to provide professional support to governing boards.

In East Sussex clerks are employed and line managed directly by schools. Training, support and advice for clerks can be purchased by schools from the local authority as part of the Governor and Clerking Service annual Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Why your views matter

We are currently reviewing our Governor and Clerking Service to explore the impact of current provision for governors and clerks and to consider how the service needs to adapt so that it continue to provide access to high quality advice, support and training for governing boards across East Sussex.  Hearing your views on the arrangements currently in place for clerking, and your views on possible other models will help inform our thinking and contribute to the review.  


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