East Sussex Local Offer Feedback Survey

Closed 10 Jan 2022

Opened 20 Oct 2021


ESCC has launched a new East Sussex Local Offer website. Thi s is a site offering information and advice on Children and Young People's Special Educational Needs in East Sussex

The website will be available for viewing in test format between now and January 2022.

We are inviting residents of East Sussex to visit the site, look around and feedback any thoughts they have on what works and what could do with some improvement.

Why your views matter

It is  essential that the East Sussex Local Offer is built in partnership with parents, carers, and residents of East Sussex. 

We need to hear from you so we can be sure the website is right, and presents information in a useful, considerate, and accessible way.


  • All Areas


  • Residents of East Sussex


  • Children and young people