East Sussex Local Offer Survey (2024)
The East Sussex Local Offer provides information about what support is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and for their families.
The East Sussex Local Offer consists of:
- an information site that outlines how different SEND processes work
- a SEND-specific directory that lists local and online services
The Government asks that all local authorities (in our case, East Sussex County Council) provide information as clearly as possible so that parents, carers, children and young people can make informed decisions.
We are inviting residents to share their thoughts on the East Sussex Local Offer. No matter how experienced you are in the area of SEND, we want to hear your views.
Why your views matter
The East Sussex Local Offer will always be an ongoing process, continually adapting and changing as the information and services throughout East Sussex, do the same.
This is why we will always welcome your feedback and suggestions, as this is vital in helping the website to continue improving.
What happens next
All feedback received from this survey will be seen by the Local Offer Website and Directory Officer. Upon receiving feedback and where possible, adjustments will be made to the website. Larger adjustments will need to be put forward to senior managers within Children's Services.
For any questions or further thoughts regarding this survey or the Local Offer, please email localoffer@eastsussex.gov.uk
- All Areas
- Residents of East Sussex
- Children and young people
- Disability
- Mental health
- Learning disability or difficulty
- Customer service
- Support for parents, carers and young people
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