East Sussex School Term and Holiday Dates 2019/2020

Closed 18 Mar 2018

Opened 19 Feb 2018

Feedback updated 21 Jul 2020

We asked

Schools, parents/carers and other interested parties to give their views on the proposed school holiday and term dates for 2019/2020.  Thank you to all those who responded.

You said

During the period of the consultation 505 responses were received.  368 (73%) were in favour of the proposals whilst 137 (27%) disagreed.

We did

The Local Authority is currently responsible for setting school term and holiday dates for all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.  In the case of Foundation, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies, Governing Bodies are responsible for setting their own term dates. Where possible we have taken into account feedback received during the consultation period including aligning dates with neighbouring authorities. Following consultation the school holiday and term dates for 2019/2020 have been determined and are available on the East Sussex County Council website.


East Sussex County Council is consulting on school term and holiday date patterns for the academic year 2019/20 and we would like to know your views on the proposed dates.  These are summarised below and set out in the document attached.

Why your views matter

The Local Authority is currently responsible for setting school term and holiday dates for all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools.  In the case of Foundation, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies, Governing Bodies are responsible for setting their own term dates.

A number of guiding principles are used to set the pattern of terms and holidays:

  • 190 days when pupils are in school (a legal requirement).
  • 5 In-service Education Training (INSET) days (a legal requirement).  The proposal for East Sussex recommends a common INSET day on Wednesday 4 September 2019.  Four further training days are decided by schools.  Schools should be contacted directly to confirm all INSET days.
  • The Local Authority (LA) will take into account options being considered by neighboring authorities with a view to establishing a consistent pattern of dates across the area. However, in the circumstances where authorities bordering East Sussex agree different dates from each other, the LA will consider the following:
    • The need to maximise learning and revision time in the terms before SATs (Standard Attainment Tests taken in Year 2 and Year 6), GCSEs and post 16 examinations including A levels;
    • The dates of Easter and bank holidays which working parents often rely on to be part of school holidays so they use leave most efficiently.
  • The proposal East Sussex is considering has been shared with Brighton & Hove, West Sussex and Surrey County Council.  Kent have already determined their dates.

As Voluntary Aided schools and Academies determine their own pattern of school term time and holidays there may still be variations across the county. These schools and academies will be included in the consultation process in order that dates are unified as far as possible across East Sussex.


Schools would begin the academic year on 4 September and continue through until 22 July (last day of term)

Term 1                           *Wednesday 4 September 2019 to Friday 25 October 2019

October break               Monday 28 October 2019 to Friday 1 November 2019

Term 2                            Monday 4 November 2019 to Friday 20 December 2019

 Christmas break         Monday 23 December 2019 to Friday 3 January 2020

Term 3                            Monday 6 January 2020 to Friday 14 February 2020

February break          Monday 17 February 2020 to Friday 21 February 2020

Term 4                            Monday 24 February 2020 to Friday 3 April 2020

Easter break                 Monday 6 April 2020 to Friday 17 April 2020

Term 5                             Monday 20 April 2020 to Friday 22 May 2020

May break                      Monday 25 May 2020 to Friday 29 May 2020

Term 6                             Monday 1 June 2020 to Wednesday 22 July 2020

Summer Holidays         Thursday 23 July 2020


We are inviting schools, parents/carers and other interested parties to give their views on the proposed school holiday and term dates.  We hope that as many people as possible will respond.

Feedback from the consultation and information available on options neighbouring authorities are considering will be collated and presented to the Director of Children's Services to make a final decision. 

Thank you for your interest in this consultation and for taking the time to look at the proposals

What happens next





  • All Areas


  • Faith groups or organisations
  • Councillors, MP's, MEPS
  • Anybody with an interest
  • Parents, carers or guardians
  • Students


  • Schools and school admissions