HAF- Easter 2023 - Young person's (13 years and over) feedback
We want to make sure the Holiday Food and Fun programme has good activities and is fun. You can tell us how well we are doing.
Holiday Food and Fun!
HAF Team, East Sussex County Council
For more information on how ESCC uses any personal data collected, how it keeps it safe and how long we keep it please refer to the following privacy notices: the Consultation Hub privacy notice available here and the Children’s Services equality monitoring privacy notice available here.
Why your views matter
We will use your answers to make our holiday activities programme even better.
We want to know a bit about you too. This helps us make sure there are activities to suit you. You don't need to give your name.
What happens next
Thank you for giving us your views.
- All Areas
- Children
- Young people
- Children and young people
- Health and wellbeing
- Satisfaction with services
- Support for parents, carers and young people
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