Have your say on a proposal to lower the age range of Pashley Down Infant School from 4-7 years to 2-7 years
The Local Authority is consulting on lowering the age range at Pashley Down Infant School from 4-7 years to 2-7 years. The provision is intended to be implemented from September 2025. This change is to support the Governors wish for the school to offer nursery provision on site to meet an identified shortfall of childcare places in the area.
The proposal aims to fully integrate nursery provision into the schools Foundation Stage offer. The Governing Board’s vision is to ensure the nursery supports the local area, with the aim of offering high quality early education delivered by experienced and well-trained staff across the Foundation Stage.
Why your views matter
The Local Authority would like to hear the views of:
- Parent/carer of a child at Pashley Down Infant School
- Member of staff at Pashley Down Infant School
- Member of the Governing Board of Pashley Down Infant School
- Local schools and early years’ providers
- The local community
- Any other interested party in the proposal
The Local Authority will consider all comments received during the consultation before making a decision on the proposal.
The consultation will run from 6 January 2025 to 2 February 2025.
You can give your views by:
- Clicking on the link below and completing the online survey
- Emailing the local authority at: school.consultations@eastsussex.gov.uk
Responses must be received by no later than Sunday 2 February 2025.
If you need this information in a different format or language, or you would like help to complete the survey please contact us at: school.consultations@eastsussex.gov.uk
Privacy information: This survey is anonymous and we don't ask you to provide any personal information. Please ensure that any comments you make do not include any names or personal details of you or anyone else. You can find our privacy notice about how the data will be stored and processed by East Sussex County Council on our website.
- Eastbourne
- Community groups or organisations
- Residents of East Sussex
- Children
- Councillors, MP's, MEPS
- Anybody with an interest
- Parents, carers or guardians
- Stakeholders
- Children and young people
- Schools and school admissions
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