Practice education survey

Closed 24 Oct 2018

Opened 3 Oct 2018


In this survey you can share your experiences of social work practice education across East Sussex and Brighton & Hove and have your say on the new support offer. The survey should take around 15-20 minutes to complete and will provide valuable feedback to gain an improved and more comprehensive understanding of how it feels to be a practice supervisor or educator and ensure the new offer meets your needs.

Please take the time to complete this survey, this is our chance to share our knowledge and experience and work together to shape a support and development offer that meets the needs of all practice supervisors and educators.


  • All Areas


  • Community groups or organisations
  • Voluntary groups or organisations
  • Public sector groups or organisations
  • Staff
  • Providers of services


  • Social care services (children and young people)
  • Care and support services (adults)