How are we doing? Young People's Survey 2021

Closed 18 Dec 2021

Opened 1 Nov 2021

Results expected 1 Feb 2022

Feedback expected 1 Mar 2022


Young people’s feedback

We want your views about what works well and what could be improved in the Youth Offending Team.  This helps us improve how we support young people and their families working with us.  

For us to know how well we are doing, we need to hear from you.  What you tell us will be used to make our services better.

This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes.  

Want to win a £50 high street voucher? 

Completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw, if you add your name and phone number or email address at the end of this survey. 

Privacy information: You can complete the survey anonymously. However, if you wish to enter the prize draw to win a £50 high street voucher, you will need to leave your contact email or phone number at the end of the survey. View our privacy policy for the competition.  

Thank you.  Your views are important to us!


What happens next

Once we have analysed the results, our service will let you know what we will do to make the service better.

Thank you for giving us your views.


  • All Areas


  • Children
  • Young people


  • Children and young people
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Satisfaction with services
  • Support for parents, carers and young people