A264 Hammerwood to Holtye 40mph Speed Limit - Formal Consultation

Closed 5 Jun 2023

Opened 12 May 2023


It is proposed to reduce the current speed limit of 50mph on the A264 Hammerwood to Holtye in part to 40mph.

As part of the Speed Management Programme, this section of the A264 was identified as a priority due to crash history.

The proposal will align the speed limit with the average speed of traffic, improving road safety on the bends in Holtye Road.

Initial consultations have been carried out. Based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to the speed limit.

Why your views matter

We want to hear your views on the proposal and whether you support the reduced speed limit.

The proposed change to the speed limit is shown on the plan in the ‘related documents’ section at the bottom of this page.

Please provide any feedback you may have.

What happens next

After the closing date of 5 June 2023 we will review the responses.

If there are no objections the restrictions will be introduced, and the draft TRO made permanent. If objections are received, we will need to consider these and present a report to Planning Committee.

Thank you for your interest in this consultation and for taking the time to look at the proposal.


  • Wealden


  • Residents of East Sussex


  • Road safety
  • Traffic Regulation Orders