Alfriston Village Traffic Management Scheme

Closed 12 Feb 2023

Opened 23 Jan 2023


East Sussex County Council and Alfriston Parish Council are working together to enhance and promote the vitality of the village, by proposing to introduce some traffic mitigation measures within the local road network.

The Alfriston Village Traffic Management Scheme comprises of three elements;

  • Introduction of a 20mph village-wide speed limit, supported by the implementation of two physical measures at either end of the village i.e., road narrowing with village name signage (to introduce drivers to the village). The village gateway helps to create 'a sense of place' when drivers enter the village, and the physical measures are designed such that drivers are required to slow down before entry;
  • Discouraging HGVs from travelling through the village from the A27. This element of the scheme will look to incorporate a series of Advisory Lorry Route Signage along the A27;
  • The final proposal will consist of removing the existing give-way lines in Market Square as well as incorporating additional double yellow lines outside the Star Public House on the High Street.

    In addition to the above, the scheme would also look to incorporate a change in road surfacing, to include either a ‘buff-coloured’ anti-skid road surfacing or that of a more traditional design involving cobbles/setts throughout the length of the High Street and North Street. This part of the proposal would not be funded by ESCC, but by APC through a Public Works Loan Board loan.

Why your views matter

We would like to know what you think of the proposals. Your opinions are important to make sure that any improvements meet residents’ and road users’ needs. Once you reviewed the attached drawing, then please complete the below questionnaire by the Sunday 12th February 2023.

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What happens next

East Sussex County Council will consider all responses to this consultation when deciding whether to proceed with the improvements.

Results from the public consultation will be reported to East Sussex County Council's Lead Member for Transport & Environment.

If you would like more information about these proposals, then please contact


  • Wealden


  • Residents of East Sussex


  • Road safety