Cavalry Crescent, Eastbourne. Proposed Car Club Bay

Closed 10 May 2024

Opened 19 Apr 2024


As part of the residential development at Cavalry Crescent, Eastbourne there is a need to consult on a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to install a Car Club Parking Bay. This proposal would help support the development and local residents by providing an alternative to owning a vehicle and help reduce demand for on street parking.    

The development was granted planning permission by Eastbourne Borough Council under reference:EB/21/0411.

The consultation opens on the 19th April 2024 and closes on the 10th May 2024. 

All comments need to be received by the closing date.

Why your views matter

The changes are being proposed for the ongoing development at Cavalry Crescent and are required as part of the planning permission granted for the site.

We want to hear your views on this proposals.

Any comments will need to be emailed to by the closing date.

What happens next

After the closing date of the 10th May 2024 we will process all responses.

If there are objections we will try to resolve them, if they can't be resolved we will need to present a report to the County Council Planning Commitee.


  • Eastbourne


  • Residents of East Sussex
  • Anybody with an interest


  • Traffic Regulation Orders