Digital Demand Responsive Transport LA Engagement
Following announcement of BSIP funding earlier this year ESCC are now looking to progress our plans to launch DDRT across East Sussex. We are currently working through options for service delivery and looking to appoint both a technology provider(s) and local bus operators and community transport groups to deliver services on the ground with the aim of commencing DDRT in the spring of 2023.
We have looked across the UK at examples of best practice regarding DDRT provision and are keen to procure our services using lessons learnt from other local transport authorities who already have DDRT operations up and running.
One key area for us is getting the right supplier for the digital platform. We have completed supplier engagement and would now like to get existing customers views on how their supplier has performed.
We would be really interested to hear from you on how your supplier of the digital platform has performed in a range of areas but also to get your views and insight on how we could improve the delivery of digital demand responsive transport services.
Thanks very much for your time in reading this and hopefully responding with any information or advice that you can. If you do nothave time to respind to all of the questions, don't worry, any feedback you can give us would be much appreciated.
We will summarise the results of this survey and share them with all who took part. We will anonymise all responses.
Why your views matter
Any advice or feedback you can provide us will be used to develop our DDRT services with the aim of providing the most effective demand responsive, flexible services we can in East Sussex.
We will also share the findings and best practice with others so they too can use the infomration that Local Authorites provide in this survey.
- All Areas
- Public sector groups or organisations
- Customer service
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