Dumbrells Court Road, Ditchling

Closed 14 Mar 2014

Opened 19 Feb 2014


During the recent Lewes parking review, safety concerns were raised by a local Councillor that required further consultation. Drivers are parking close to the

  • junction with North End and Dumbrells Court Road,
  • bend within Dumbrells Court Road, and
  • turning head.

This makes it difficult and dangerous for vehicles to enter or exit Dumbrells Court Road, making it impassable for residents and emergency vehicles.

To improve safety we are proposing changes to the double yellow lines in Dumbrells Court Road.

Why your views matter

We want to hear residents views to on our proposals to improve access and safety.

What happens next

After the closing date of 12 March 2014 we will process all received responses.

Depending on the level of support for the proposals we will decide one of the following ways forward

1. If there is a low level of support for the proposals there will be no further action.

2. If there are a high number of suggested alternatives, these will be considered and we will undertake another survey before proceeding.

3.  If there is a high level of support for the proposals a draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be written and advertised allowing 28 days for formal consultation. If there are no objections the restrictions will be introduced and the draft TRO ‘made’.

4. If objections are received, we would need to consider  these and present a report to    Planning Committee who will decide if the draft TRO and introducing the restrictions should proceed or not.



  • Lewes


  • People who use our services


  • Traffic Regulation Orders