Lewes Road, Uckfield - Extension of 30mph and 40mph Speed Limits

Closed 29 Jul 2022

Opened 8 Jul 2022


As part of the development of the above site to provide a residential-led mixed use urban extension, engineering works and construction of new buildings and structures to provide residential accommodation (up to 1000 net additional dwellings), up to a two form entry primary school and early years facilities, retail, community, health, leisure and up to 13,495 sq.m. of employment uses together with ancillary and associated development including new and enhanced pedestrian/cycle routes and open spaces, car parking and vehicular access.

The 30mph extension will be from a starting point 20m northeast of Junction with Red Clover Road, south westwards for a distance of 90 metres.

The 40mph speed limit will be from a starting point 70 metres souhwestof the junction with Red Clover Road, south westwards for a distance of 275 metres.

The consultation opens on 8 July 2022 and close on 29th July 2022 

All comments need to be received by the closing date.

No objections were received to the proposed order and therefore the works have been completed and the order sealed. 

Why your views matter

The changes are being proposed for the ongoing development of the Land West of Uckfiled, including Land bounded by Lewes Road, New Town, A22  and are required as part of the planning permission granted to the site.

We want to hear your views on this proposals.

Any comments will need to be emailed to tros@eastsussex.gov.uk by the closing date.

No objections were received to the proposed order and therefore the works have been completed and the order sealed. 

What happens next

After the closing date of 29th July 2022 we will process all responses.

If there are objections we will try to resolve them, if they can't be resolved we will need to present a report to the planning commitee.

No objections were received to the proposed order and therefore the works have been completed and the order sealed. 


  • Wealden


  • Residents of East Sussex
  • Anybody with an interest


  • Traffic Regulation Orders