Sea Road, Bexhill

Closed 25 Mar 2022

Opened 22 Feb 2022


East Sussex County Council is consulting on plans to improve pedestrian crossing facilities on Sea Road in Bexhill.

As part of this work to improve pedestrian conditions, we are proposing to:

  • Reposition the existing Sea Road zebra crossing further south to be halfway between Endwell Road and Jameson Road – this allows motorists to carry out a full turn before stopping (if required) at the crossing, which is used by pupils as they walk to and from school.
  • Widen the new zebra crossing to 5 metres, and have dropped kerbs, tactile paving and guard rails on the eastern footpath to assist pedestrians. Flashing amber lights on black and white poles and zig zag road markings will alert motorists.
  • Remove three car parking spaces south of the crossing to reposition the crossing

East Sussex County Council is also working to develop a high quality and safe cycle route which would alter the crossing design, but not the proposed new location. The cycle route proposals will be consulted upon separately but would include a parallel crossing for cyclists at the zebra location. A future cycle crossing would not mean that any works undertaken now are wasted.

Why your views matter

We would like to know what you think of the proposals. Your opinions are important to make sure that any improvements meet residents’ and road users’ needs. Once you reviewed the attached drawing, then please complete the below questionnaire by the 25 March 2022.

What happens next

East Sussex County Council will consider all responses to this consultation when deciding whether to proceed with the improvements.

Results from the public consultation will be reported to East Sussex County Council's Lead Member for Transport & Environment.

If you would like more information about these proposals, then please contact


  • Hastings


  • Businesses
  • Community groups or organisations
  • Voluntary groups or organisations
  • Public sector groups or organisations
  • Residents panel
  • Residents of East Sussex
  • Councillors, MP's, MEPS
  • Expert stakeholders
  • Anybody with an interest


  • Road safety