Budget and priorities for East Sussex
We'd like to ask if you agree with our priorities for East Sussex and how we spend money on your behalf to provide services for people in the county.
Each year at East Sussex County Council we review these priorities before setting a budget for the coming year.
Local authorities like ours have limited resources, so it's vital we spend your money effectively.
Why your views matter
You can complete this survey in as little as five minutes.
The more responses we get, the better we will understand what matters most to people overall and how different groups or communities may see things.
Results from the survey will be analysed and shared with the councillors you have elected as they review the priorities for East Sussex and set the county council's budget for 2024/25.
This is your chance to help shape how they approach those decisions.
If you need to request a copy of this survey in a different format, please email: budget.consult@eastsussex.gov.uk
What happens next
This survey has now closed. Results are being analaysed as part of the review of priorities and setting of a budget for 2024/25.
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Faith, Religion and Belief
- Gender
- Race
- Sexual orientation
- Children and young people
- Older people
- Health and wellbeing
- Disability
- Transgender identity
- Mental health
- Learning disability or difficulty
- Communication
- Democracy and participation
- Customer service
- Satisfaction with services
- Finances and spending plans
- Strategies and policies
- Economic development
- Support for parents, carers and young people
- Schools and school admissions
- Social care services (children and young people)
- Planning
- Rubbish and recycling
- Flooding
- Environment
- Care and support services (adults)
- Carers support
- Social care providers
- Housing
- Safeguarding adults at risk
- Arts and culture
- Libraries
- Parks and green spaces
- Sport and leisure
- Businesses
- Consumer services
- Safer Communities
- Environmental Health
- Emergency Planning
- Voluntary organisations
- Community organisations
- Market development
- Road and pavement repairs
- Road safety
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Public Transport
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