Assessment and Moderation Early Years, KS1&2 2024 - a survey for schools

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Closes 31 Jul 2024

Assessment and Moderation Early Years, KS1&2 2024 Survey

1. The training and EYFS profile briefings that were provided for assessment in 2023/24 covered all the topics required.
2. Teachers who attended any assessment training event in 2023/24 reported that the event was useful.
3. Did you find the following EYFS sessions useful? Local moderation group meetings (these were linked to the hubs and held in terms 2, 4 and 6) and the central moderation sessions held in May/June.
4. Teachers in key stage 1/2 were able to apply their learning from assessment training events attended in 2023/24.
5. We received a good level of support from the assessment administration team if/when required (EYFS or
6. We received a good level of support from the assessment manager (EYFS Rowena Dumbrell, KS2 Suzy Heritage) if/when required.
7. Is there anything you would like to add regarding the assessment support and training that was on offer in 2023/24? If you answered 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' to any of the questions above, please explain your answers here.
8. Did you opt for the optional Early Years pre-moderation or moderation visits in 2023/24?