Trial traffic signal and 20mph scheme, Alfriston

Closed 16 Nov 2018

Opened 16 Sep 2018


East Sussex Highways on behalf East Sussex County Council are investigating the proposal to introduce traffic signals along the High Street in Alfriston between Star Lane and Weavers Lane. In May 2018, we were given approval from the Lead Member for Transport and Environment to conduct a trial traffic signal scheme in the Village to assess how well traffic signals will operate. Details of the May Lead Member meeting can be found on the County Council website here:

The trial signal scheme will take place over a four-week period between 17 September and 14 October 2018. In addition, we also propose to conduct a trial 20mph speed limit through the Village. The trial speed limit will be extended a further four weeks beyond the initial four-week traffic signal trial period so the two measures can be considered independently from each other. 

The trial scheme is very much an information gathering exercise to determine the suitability of traffic signals in the Village. It will enable us to observe how the trial measures operate in a live traffic situation. Traffic speed surveys, video monitoring, queue lengths and journey time surveys will be recorded during the trial period. We will also be monitoring air quality throughout the High Street for a three-month period. This work commenced in August 2018 and the information gathered will determine what affect traffic signals has to air quality. 

The traffic signal technology that will be used for the trial scheme will replicate, as much as possible, the operation of a permanent traffic signal solution, however, the appearance of the equipment will be temporary in nature and will not resemble a permanent scheme.Details of the trial traffic signal and 20mph scheme can be viewed via the link below.

Copies of the proposals are also available at Alfriston Village Store.

For us to safely install the temporary traffic signals at Star Lane and Weavers Lane it will be necessary to temporarily close the High Street between Weavers Lane junction and Market Square on Sunday 16 September between 09:00 and 18:00. A second road closure will also be required on Sunday 14 October between 09:00 and 18:00 to remove the traffic signal equipment after the four-week trial period.

Whilst we understand the road closures will be disruptive, given the width of the road it is simply not possible to set up the traffic signal equipment whilst still allowing traffic to safely pass the works. A signed diversion route will be in operation and ‘Businesses Open as usual’ signs will also be provided at both the Seaford and A27 approaches.  

Why your views matter

We would like to hear your views on the trial traffic signal and 20mph scheme. You can provide feedback by completing the online questionnaire. Alternatively copies of the questionnaire are available at Alfriston Village Store.

Please return your completed questionnaire by Friday 16 November 2018 using the 'Freepost East Sussex Highways’ address.

During the trial period, should you wish to make any specific observations please contact East Sussex Highways on 0345 60 80 193.

What happens next

We’ll use your comments together with the traffic data gathered during the trial exercise to help decide how to progress with the project. A report setting out the results of this consultation and containing recommendations about how the project will progress will be considered by the East Sussex County Council Lead Member for Transport and Environment in Spring 2019.

 A copy of the report and a record of any decisions taken will be available on the County Council website.


  • Wealden


  • Anyone from any background


  • Road and pavement repairs
  • Road safety
  • Traffic Regulation Orders
  • Public Transport