East Sussex BSIP - A259 Seaside and St Anthony's Avenue - Traffic Regulation Order Pre-consultation
East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
A259 Seaside and St Anthony's Avenue
Traffic Regulation Order Pre-consultation
The Traffic Regulation Order Pre-consultation has now closed. Information will be collated and all feedback received will be considered. The formal Traffic Regulation Order consultation was scheduled to be advertised in February 2025, however this will now take place in Spring 2025. The exact dates for the formal Traffic Regulation Order will be comunicated in advance.
Further to the consultations held in summer 2023 and summer 2024, we would like to provide an update on the proposed A259 Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue bus priority scheme, before advertising the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). This is so you are aware of our scheme proposals and can have your say prior to the formal TRO advertisement process.
A TRO is a legal document that controls traffic flow, parking and speed-limits. TRO's help the Highway Authority to manage the road network for all users, including pedestrians, and can improve road safety and access to facilities.
The A259 Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue scheme in Eastbourne is part of a package of bus priority measures that the County Council initially consulted upon in summer 2023 at feasibility stage. Further consultation was undertaken in summer 2024 on revised scheme proposals in response to previous local feedback from the summer 2023 consultation.
Approval to progress the scheme to preliminary design, detailed design and construction was given by the County Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Environment in November 2024.
The proposals are currently at preliminary design stage. These proposals have sought to balance the proposed bus priority benefits identified through microsimulation modelling, the feedback received during the 2023 and 2024 consultations, the outcomes of the on-site surveys (which has included, but was not limited to traffic and parking surveys as well as topographical surveys), estimated costs and the aims of the East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).
The scheme will be funded through Bus Service Improvement Plan funding that East Sussex County Council has received from Government to deliver bus priority infrastructure in the county.
Introducing the A259 Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue bus priority scheme is integral to delivering the East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4, so that residents can enjoy higher quality bus services, improved journey times with reduced delays, that provide a frequent, integrated and comprehensive choice and alternative to the car.
In doing so, the bus priority measures will help to support connectivity to key destinations, reduce congestion and strengthen the resilience of the transport network; make a positive contribution towards improving air quality as well as decarbonising transport and travel to support the achievement of the County Council’s target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest and the Borough Council’s same ambition by 2030.
Scheme Progress
1. ● Feasibility Stage – Completed 2023
2. ● Initial Public Consultation – Completed 2023
3. ● Second Public Consultation on Revised Design – Completed 2024
4. ● Preliminary Design including Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) pre-consultation – In Progress
5. ● Advertise formal TRO – Due to commence Spring 2025
6. ● Detailed Design – Due to commence early 2025
7. ● Construction – Due to commence 2025/2026
Bus Priority Proposals
The A259 Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue bus priority scheme will provide bus lanes between the junctions of A259 Seaside/Windermere Crescent and Langney Roundabout. As part of the scheme, we are proposing to:
Windermere Crescent to Seaside Roundabout
- Introduce new eastbound bus lane between Windermere Crescent and Seaside Roundabout. With the introduction of the bus lane, existing on street parking on the north side of Seaside between Churchdale Road and Southbourne Road will be removed. A section of parking provision behind the bus lane to be retained between Finmere Road and Northbourne Road.
- Upgrade the existing staggered pedestrian crossing between Windermere Crescent and Channel View Road to allow pedestrians to cross in one movement.
- Retain eastbound bus stops, The Archery and Arlington Arms, and westbound bus stops, The Archery, Alexandra Arms and Winchelsea Road.
- Relocate Tesco bus stop further west towards Northbourne Road.
- Replace the existing zebra crossing between Southbourne Road and Finmere Road, removing centre island to provide a signalised puffin (pedestrian) crossing.
- Retain a right-hand turning space for one vehicle at Southbourne Road.
- Retain a right-hand turning space for one vehicle at Northbourne Road. This would necessitate the loss 18 metres of on street parking.
- Remove 10 metres of uncontrolled parking west of Allfrey Road and replace with double yellow lines.
- Introduce 40 metres of new uncontrolled on-street parking between Myrtle Road and Fort Road (south side). Existing staggered pedestrian crossing to be removed.
- Introduce new Toucan (for pedestrians and cyclists) crossing between Fort Road and Seaside Roundabout.
Seaside Roundabout to Langney Roundabout
- Introduce new westbound bus lane between Langney Roundabout and Seaside Roundabout. All current uncontrolled parking will be removed on the south side of Seaside between Lottbridge Drove and Langney Roundabout. Ambulance bays at Queen Alexandra Cottage Homes will also be removed.
- Introduce new Toucan (for pedestrians and cyclists) crossing on A259 Seaside immediately east of Seaside Roundabout.
- Introduce new bus stop cage/clearway markings for Langney Roundabout South bus stop (eastbound), replacing 18 metres of existing uncontrolled on-street parking.
- Retain eastbound Winston Crescent bus stop and westbound bus stops at Winston Crescent and Langney Roundabout.
- Introduce new Puffin (pedestrian) crossing on St Anthony’s Avenue east of Leeds Avenue junction. Centre islands and right turn pockets in area all to be removed.
- Introduce new on-street uncontrolled parking on north side of St Anthony’s Avenue at Crumbles Sewer. Existing centre island to be removed.
- Retain 120 metres of existing uncontrolled parking on north side of St Anthony’s Avenue from Seaville Drive to Langney Roundabout.
Proposal plans
Please see the below plans showing the proposed layout and changes in the scheme.
You can also view and download a PDF copy of the scheme proposals here.
*Sheet 1 note: A previous version of the above drawing showed double yellow line markings on Seaside, from Romney Street to Seaford Road, extending all the way to the edge of the scheme extent. This was an error, which has now been rectified in the above drawing.
*Sheet 6 note: A previous version of the above drawing showed the Highway Boundary incorrectly placed across property boundaries on the lower half of St Anthony's Avenue. This has now been rectified in the above drawing.
*Sheet 7 note: A previous version of the above drawing showed the Highway Boundary incorrectly placed across property boundaries on the lower half of St Anthony's Avenue. This has now been rectified in the above drawing.
Printed copies of the proposals can be found at:
Town Hall,
Grove Rd,
BN21 4UG
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of these documents in a different format, or you have problems accessing the documents generally, please email BSIPconsultation@eastsussex.gov.uk to let us know.
Why your views matter
We welcome your comments on these proposed changes.
The comments we receive at this Traffic Regulation Order pre-consultation stage will help shape the final proposals that are advertised at the formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) stage in Spring 2025.
You can also write to us with your comments at BSIPconsultation@eastsussex.gov.uk or post to:
BSIP TRO Pre-Consultation
ESCC Postal Hub,
County Hall,
St. Anne’s Crescent,
Please respond with any feedback on the proposals by 23:59 on 16/01/2025.
East Sussex County Council takes data protection seriously. For further information please see our Privacy Notice here and at the bottom of this page.
What happens next
The Traffic Regulation Order Pre-consultation has now closed. Information will be collated and all feedback received will be considered.
The formal Traffic Regulation Order consultation is scheduled to be advertised in Spring 2025.
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