Lewes High Street parking review 2017- initial consultation
We have received a number of complaints regarding cars and other vehicles parked on footways in the High Street. We are writing to seek your views and whether you would support the introduction of measures to address these issues.
Parking on footways can make life difficult and dangerous for pedestrians. It causes difficulty for the partially sighted, for parents pushing buggies, the elderly, and wheel chair users, often forcing them off the footway and requiring them to to use the carriageway. Unlike road surfaces, footways and verges are not designed to take the weight of cars or other motor vehicles. Much of the damage to footway and verges (cracked or sunken paving slabs etc.) is caused by vehicles driving over or parking on them.
To address these issues we are considering the introduction of a footway parking ban in the High Street (on the north side from Westgate Street to Eastgate Street). This would mean parking on the footway would not be allowed. We realise that this means vehicles stopping to load or unload would be parked wholly on the carriageway, leading to increased congestion. To prevent the congestion a loading ban will also be proposed on the north side of High Street. This would be supplemented with new loading bays placed outside the White Hart Hotel and opposite Albion Street. The existing loading bays outside Cummings bookshop and near the memorial will remain in place.
The consultation period runs from 17 February to 10 March 2017. All comments need to be received by 10 March.
Why your views matter
The consultation follows requests for us to address the problems caused by parking on the pavement in the High Street.
We want to hear your views on the proposals. Your feedback will help us decide whether the proposals need to be modified before formal changes are advertised.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us by email to parking.escc@eastsussex.gov.uk or telephone 01323 466244.
Thank you for taking the time to look at these proposals.
What happens next
After the closing date of 10 March 2017 we will process all responses.
The level of support will determine the outcome of the proposals. If there are a number of suggested alternatives, these will be considered and included in the final proposals.
If the proposals go forward then the draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be written and advertised allowing 21 days for formal consultation. If there are no objections the restrictions will be introduced and the draft TRO made permanent. If objections are received, we will need to consider these and present a report to Planning Committee.
- Lewes
- People who use our services
- Traffic Regulation Orders
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