Knelle Road/Langham Road, Robertsbridge
The consultation opens on 7 February 2025 and closes on 28 February 2025.
East Sussex Highways have prepared, on behalf of East Sussex County Council and Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council, the detailed design of a scheme to improve pedestrian safety at the junction of Knelle Road with Langham Road, Robertsbridge by introducing yellow lines and dropped kerbs on all four corners of the junction.
Initial consultations have been carried out. Based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes.
All comments need to be received by the closing date.
Why your views matter
We want to hear your views on the proposals. All feedback will be considered.
The proposed changes are shown on the plans in the ‘related documents’ section at the bottom of this page.
Any comments will need to be emailed to by the closing date.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of these documents in a different format, or you have problems accessing the documents generally, please email (at the address above) to let us know.
What happens next
After the closing date of the 28 February 2025 we will process all responses.
If there are objections, we will try to resolve them, if they can't be resolved we will need to present a report to the planning committee for a final decision.
Thank you for your interest in this consultation and for taking the time to look at the proposal.
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