471 results
Residential workers digital survey
The Digital in Care project is seeking to improve the digital resilience of children and young people in care. As part of this we are reviewing training and resources available to our LAC staff including social workers and residential workers. We want you to feel confident in your ability to help young people both benefit from the opportunities that online platforms offer but also to help them stay safe online. To that end we have put together a brief survey to help us to put together... MoreClosed 31 October 2021 -
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2021 - Expression of Interest Application Form – Christmas (Round 2)
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2021 for East Sussex - Expression of Interest Application Form – Christmas (Round 2) Please note the link to start the online survey and complete the EOI is at the bottom of this page. This is the 2nd EOI application window for Christmas HAF provision. Providers who applied during the first window (between 6th September and 1st October) do not need to apply again. Programme Overview ... MoreClosed 10 November 2021 -
Statutory Notice for the proposed change of age range at Cradle Hill Community Primary School
Notice is hereby given that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE is proposing to make an alteration to Cradle Hill Community Primary School, Lexden Rd, Seaford BN25 3BA, by lowering its age range from 4-11 to 2-11 with effect from 1 April 2022. Cradle Hill Community Primary School is a local authority maintained community school. The governing board of Cradle Hill Community Primary School wishes to lower the... MoreClosed 11 November 2021 -
Recruitment Brand Development Survey
As a Council we are thinking about our recruitment brand and how we can reach and attract a wider range of candidates. We think that ESCC is a great place to work with many attractive benefits, a supportive management structure, and a range of career pathways to offer. If we are not effectively communicating this to potential candidates, we are missing crucial opportunities to recruit a diverse range of people to come and work for the Council. By consolidating all our key... MoreClosed 22 November 2021 -
Eastbourne Parking Review 2021 - formal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking, waiting and stopping restrictions in Eastbourne Borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The... MoreClosed 26 November 2021 -
Polegate High Street
East Sussex Highways, in partnership with East Sussex County Council, is proposing to improve pedestrian and bus stop facilities and introduce a 20mph speed limit along Polegate High Street. This will be between the A2270 Junction (Wannock Rd, Eastbourne Rd and A2270) to the B2247 (Station Road/Hailsham Road) junction in Polegate. The main objective of the scheme is to make the High Street safer for all users to access, as well as more attractive to visit. In order... MoreClosed 26 November 2021 -
London Road, Bexhill
We would like your views on the London Road, Bexhill – Traffic Management & Public Realm proposals. East Sussex County Council (ESCC), in conjunction with Rother District Council (RDC), are consulting on plans to enhance the public realm and improve traffic management in the London Road area of Bexhill. As an important gateway for those visiting, running businesses and living in the town, the function and appearance of this area is considered crucial for the future vibrancy... MoreClosed 10 December 2021 -
Consultation on a proposal to establish a specialist facility at All Saints CE Primary School from 1 September 2022
East Sussex County Council is proposing to establish a specialist facility at All Saints CE Primary School from 1 September 2022. The facility would accommodate up to 12 pupils with neuro-diverse profiles, such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder and associated Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Speech, Language and Communication Needs. MoreClosed 10 December 2021 -
Bexhill Cycle Route consultation
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) is developing a range of schemes across the county that aim to create safer, more sustainable communities, and align with the Government’s commitment to encouraging more active travel. We are currently looking to take forward a new cycling and walking route in Bexhill which will extend and improve the current network in the town. The proposed route was identified through work carried out for ESCC’s Local... MoreClosed 16 December 2021 -
How are we doing? Young People's Survey 2021
Young people’s feedback We want your views about what works well and what could be improved in the Youth Offending Team. This helps us improve how we support young people and their families working with us. For us to know how well we are doing, we need to hear from you. What you tell us will be used to make our services better. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Want to win a £50 high... MoreClosed 18 December 2021 -
Have your say on the draft domestic abuse accommodation and support strategy for Sussex
We want to know what you think of the draft domestic abuse accommodation and support strategy for Sussex. Have we got the priorities right? Is there anything we have missed? To read the draft strategy download a PDF version or view it as html text on the website of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner. How to take part You can complete the online survey or send us your feedback via email. The consultation closes on 19 December 2021. This consultation is not... MoreClosed 19 December 2021 -
Waste and Minerals Revised Policies: Proposed Submission Consultation
East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (the Authorities) are jointly updating planning policy for the production of minerals, safeguarding minerals facilities and minerals in East Sussex and Brighton & Hove. The update also includes revisions to a small number of other policies in the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Plan, and Waste and Minerals Sites Plan. The Revised Policies Document sets out which... MoreClosed 4 January 2022 -
COMF - Expression of Interest Application Form - February 2022
February half term holiday provision 2022 - Expression of Interest form Funding is available to enable providers to continue to provide holiday activities and food over the February half term in 2022. Although the funding is from a different source (from the "Contain Outbreak Management Fund") , this is similar in scope to the HAF activities funded in 2021 and is intended to ensure there is a consistent holiday offer available for young people across East Sussex ahead of... MoreClosed 9 January 2022 -
East Sussex Local Offer Feedback Survey
ESCC has launched a new East Sussex Local Offer website. Thi s is a site offering information and advice on Children and Young People's Special Educational Needs in East Sussex The website will be available for viewing in test format between now and January 2022. We are inviting residents of East Sussex to visit the site, look around and feedback any thoughts they have on what works and what could do with some improvement. MoreClosed 10 January 2022 -
CZONE user feedback 2021
As part of our ongoing work to ensure we continuously improve our services, we would appreciate your views on the CZONE website which will need to be replaced next year. We are currently exploring options for the replacement of CZONE and considering whether a dedicated website for sharing information and resources with schools and educational settings is still required. Please take this opportunity to have your say. This survey takes approximately 6 minutes to complete. Thank you. ... MoreClosed 14 January 2022 -
Have your say on school admission arrangements for 2023-24
This consultation outlines the proposed admissions arrangements for East Sussex community and voluntary controlled schools from September 2023. We are not proposing any changes to the admissions criteria . (See page 2 for more details and the opportunity to comment). Priory School, Lewes and Hailsham Community College’s criteria mirror those of the local authority. They will consider any comments made through this consultation. There is a... MoreClosed 15 January 2022 -
Bexhill Road, Ninfield - Extension of the 30mph Speed Limit
As part of the development of the land at Ingrams Farm, Bexhill Road, Ninfield there is a need to consult on Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing 30mph speed limit for a distance of 250m southwards of its current location. There will also be new road markings and an existing traffic island and vehicle activated sign will also be repositioned. Extending the 30mph speed limit will improve pedestrian safety by the slower speeds of traffic. The consultation opens on 1... MoreClosed 22 January 2022 -
Youth Offending Team how are we doing? Young People's Survey 2022
Young people’s feedback We want your views about what works well and what could be improved in the Youth Offending Team. This helps us improve how we support young people and their families working with us. For us to know how well we are doing, we need to hear from you. What you tell us will be used to make our services better. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Want to win a £50 high... MoreClosed 31 January 2022 -
Youth Offending Team - How are we doing? Parents and Carers Survey 2022
Parent and Carer Feedback We want your views about what works well and what could be improved in the Youth Offending Team. This helps us improve how we support young people and their families working with us. For us to know how well we are doing, we need to hear from you. What you tell us will be used to make our services better. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Thank you for taking the time... MoreClosed 31 January 2022 -
Local pharmacy services in East Sussex: your views (2022)
We are asking people across the county for their views about local pharmacy services in East Sussex. This will help the NHS plan for the future and ensure that local pharmacies offer high quality and accessible services . We are also interested in your views on how pharmacy services can be improved. What you tell us will inform the East Sussex Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). We will then consult on the draft PNA in 2022. Please can you spare 10 minutes to complete... MoreClosed 4 February 2022 -
Superstar Saturday Vaccine day Hastings
Congratulations for getting your COVID vaccine on Superstar Saturday. Simply fill in this short questionnaire to be in with the chance to WIN some amazing prizes! MoreClosed 13 February 2022 -
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) - Expression of Interest Application Form - Easter 2022 (Round 1)
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2022 for East Sussex - Expression of Interest Application Form – Easter Please note the link to start the online survey and complete the EOI is at the bottom of this page. This is the first EOI application window for Easter HAF provision 2022. Programme Overview The government has recently announced that the holiday activities and food (HAF) programme will be continued for 2022. As in 2021, funds have been made... MoreClosed 20 February 2022 -
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) - Expression of Interest Application Form - Easter 2022 (Round 2)
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme 2022 for East Sussex - Expression of Interest Application Form – Easter (Round 2) Please note the link to start the online survey and complete the EOI is at the bottom of this page. This is the second EOI application window for Easter HAF provision 2022. Please note, any providers who submitted a bid in the first round of applications (up until 20th February) do not need to submit again. Programme Overview The government... MoreClosed 27 February 2022 -
Lilybank Farm, London Road, Battle - 40mph speed limit
The consultation opens on 18 February 2022 and close on 11 March 2022 As part of the proposed (50 unit) development of Lilybank Farm. The proposal is to extend the 40mph speed restriction past the site access to achieve a full DMRB 60mph stopping sight distance (215m) prior to the proposed development junction. This has been designed to accommodate vehicles decelerating from 60mph at the 60mph/40mph interface providing an acceptable forward visibility to the proposed junction. ... MoreClosed 11 March 2022 -
Statutory notice for the proposed specialist facility at All Saints CE Primary School, Bexhill
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 19 (1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE is proposing to establish Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision in a designated specialist facility on the site of All Saints CE Primary School, All Saints Lane, Sidley, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN39 5HA, with... MoreClosed 17 March 2022 -
COMF - Young person's (13 years and over) feedback
We want to make sure the Holiday Food and Fun programme has good activities and is fun. You can tell us how well we are doing. MoreClosed 19 March 2022 -
COMF - Young person's (12 years and under) feedback
Your answers will help us make the holiday activities programme even better. We want to make sure that even more people want to take part in future holiday activities. MoreClosed 19 March 2022 -
COMF - parents and carers feedback questionnaire
We will use your answers to make our future holiday activities programme even better. HAF Team, East Sussex County Council MoreClosed 19 March 2022 -
A conversation about drugs and alcohol
Results updated June 2022 We asked East Sussex residents about drug and alcohol dependence to ensure the projects we commission to support drug and alcohol misuse address local needs. These are the results from 116 online surveys and 9 focus groups in March 2022. The top 3 suggestions were: 1 To consider the big picture of harm to people’s mental and physical health. 2 Focus more on alcohol support and separate it from drug support. ... MoreClosed 22 March 2022 -
Sea Road, Bexhill
East Sussex County Council is consulting on plans to improve pedestrian crossing facilities on Sea Road in Bexhill. As part of this work to improve pedestrian conditions, we are proposing to: Reposition the existing Sea Road zebra crossing further south to be halfway between Endwell Road and Jameson Road – this allows motorists to carry out a full turn before stopping (if required) at the crossing, which is used by pupils as they walk to and from school. ... MoreClosed 25 March 2022
471 results.
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