Sandpiper Walk, Eastbourne - Waiting Restrictions and Road Hump TRO

Closed 2 May 2022

Opened 18 Mar 2022


As part of the development of the land to the north of Sandpiper Walk there is a need to consult on Traffic Regulation Order to install no Waiting at any time double yellow lines on Sandpiper Walk, this is to allow free movement in and out of the development. 

Vehicles parked in Sandpiper Walk would obstruct the access to the developments parking spaces. Parking restrictions along the length of Sandpiper Walk will also improve pedestrian safety by allowing unrestricted visibiltiy along the street.

It is also proposed that a road hump will be installed in Sandpiper Walk, at the junction with Kingfisher Drive. This is to imporve road safety for all road users, by slowing speeds along Sandpiper Walk. The road hump was included in the planning application and is required by planning condition prior to occupation.

The consultation opens on 18 March 2022 and close on 02 May 2022

All comments need to be recived by the closing date

Why your views matter

The changes are being proposed for the ongoing development of Sandpiper Walk and are required as part of the planning permission granted to the site.

We want to hear your views on this proposals.

Any comments will need to be emailed to by the closing date.

What happens next

After the closing date of 02 May 2022 we will process all responses.

If there are objections we will try to resolve them, if they can't be resolved we will need to present a report to the planning commitee.


  • Eastbourne


  • Residents of East Sussex
  • Anybody with an interest


  • Traffic Regulation Orders