Recent People Bank activity and outcomes

20 results

  • Digital Homecare Helper guide review - People Bank involvement

    The Being Digital team at East Sussex County Council are providing Amazon Alexa devices to adults living with disabilities, to understand how virtual assistance could benefit them. A guide has been created for participants to explain: ways to use the device, responsibilities of owning the device, data protection and information sharing. In June 2023, three People Bank members reviewed this guide and provided feedback to ensure it was understandable, engaging, and... More
    Closed 1 July 2023
  • Creation of the Citizens' Panel

    The Adult Social Care Citizens’ Panel is a group of clients, carers and residents who work with the department on a variety of topics. Panel members give feedback, co-develop ideas and co-produce policies and services. The panel is a sub-group of the People Bank and offers another opportunity to shape Adult Social Care services. The Citizens’ Panel was first set up in April 2022 to help develop the Adult Social Care strategy which was published in... More
    Closed 1 July 2023
  • Robo-Pet survey review - People Bank involvement

    The Being Digital team at East Sussex County Council have provided Robo-Pets to clients of Adult Social Care with early-stage dementia. As part of this pilot, they wanted to see the impact that the pet had not only on the client, but also on the carer, to see there was any benefit to the carers’ experience of supporting their client. To do this a survey will be sent to carers, which includes questions about the impact of the Robo-Pet on their role. We asked you to user test these... More
    Closed 31 August 2023
  • Drug & Alcohol support service survey review - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council is running a survey to gather insight to inform how the new drug and alcohol treatment service should look, when the contract renews in 2025. This includes the use of a survey for the residents of East Sussex to share their views. We asked People Bank members to user test this survey, to ensure it was engaging, clear and asking the right questions. Our user testers said: People may feel unable to contribute if they... More
    Closed 1 September 2023
  • Virtual assistant survey review - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council is running a pilot, providing Amazon Alexa devices to clients of Adult Social Care, to support them with daily tasks and activities. The aim is to see if the device improves their independence, health, and wellbeing. At the end of the pilot participants will complete a survey to share feedback on their experience of the Amazon Alexa. We asked a People Bank member to user test this survey. Our user tester said: It... More
    Closed 1 October 2023
  • Review of the People Bank application form - People Bank involvement

    The Consultation and Insight team are working on updates on People Bank resources, including the application form for new members. As part of these changes the application form will serve a dual purpose of giving existing members the option to update us on any changes to their details, needs and interests. The form will sit on the upcoming People Bank webpage. We asked some People Bank members to review and user test the updates to the form. Our user testers said: ... More
    Closed 1 November 2023
  • Winter mailing letter review - People Bank involvement

    Every year we write to those receiving support at home and their carers to provide information and advice on staying safe and well over the winter. This year’s mailing covers staying well, financial support, and keeping connected. The draft letter was widely shared for comment to ensure the layout works well for people and the content is helpful. Two People Bank members provided feedback. Our People Bank members said: The winter letter is a... More
    Closed 1 November 2023
  • Support with Confidence survey review - People Bank involvement

    As part of East Sussex County Council’s consultation on the potential closure or changes to its Support with Confidence scheme, a survey will be used to gather feedback from the residents of East Sussex. We asked a People Bank member to user test the draft of this survey, to ensure it was clear and offered sufficient opportunity to provide an informed response whatever level of knowledge about the scheme. Our user tester said: The overview... More
    Closed 1 November 2023
  • Financial Assessment survey review - People Bank involvement

    The Finance and Benefits Assessments team at East Sussex County Council made changes to the financial assessment process. They aimed to make financial assessments quicker and easier for clients to complete. To see if these aims have been achieved, a survey will be used to gather feedback from those who have recently had a financial assessment. We asked two People Bank members to user test the survey, to ensure it was clear, engaging and asking the right questions. ... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Reviewing the feedback and complaints leaflet - People Bank Involvement

    We are making changes to one of our information leaflets that tells residents about adult social care. The aim of the leaflet is to explain to residents how they can share feedback with us or make a complaint when things go wrong. We asked some People Bank members to review the draft leaflet and tell us whether it was easy to understand. Our user testers said: The leaflet is in Plain English, making it easy to understand how to contact the... More
    Closed 7 February 2024
  • Linked Alarm survey review - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council installed new ‘linked’ smoke alarms in the homes of 40 clients receiving telecare support. In order to assess the impact the alarms have had for our clients, a survey will be used to gather feedback on their views and experience of them. In order to ensure the survey is clear, engaging and asking the right questions, we asked a People Bank member to user test this survey. Our user tester said: ... More
    Closed 1 March 2024
  • Financial Assessment letters format review - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council’s Financial Services Team send out a high volume of multi-page documents to clients, family members and representatives. The Team wanted to know whether it would be sufficient to use footers with page numbers on such documents, instead of staples. We asked People Bank members to review this correspondence, and to feed back their preferences and views. What People Bank members said: Unanimously, respondents preferred the... More
    Closed 1 March 2024
  • NHS Health Check feedback survey review - People Bank Involvement

    Background Public Health commissions NHS health checks in East Sussex for certain people aged 40-74. It aims to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. Those who receive a health check can complete a feedback survey about their experience. Updates to the existing survey have been drafted and in order to ensure they are clear, engaging and asking the right questions, we asked a People Bank member to user test the survey. ... More
    Closed 5 April 2024
  • Recruiting a personal assistant checklist user testing - People Bank Involvement

    Following the closure of Support with Confidence, a checklist has been created to support residents in choosing a personal assistant (PA). The checklist provides information on what a PA can do, where you can find PAs and what things to consider when choosing one. To make sure the checklist is clear, easy to use and fit for purpose, we asked People Bank members to test it. What our user testers said How we responded ... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • Assessment waiting times letter review - People Bank involvement

    Adult Social Care has developed a holding letter to acknowledge delays that residents experience waiting for the client/carer assessment they were referred for. The letter aims to assure residents and provide practical information on what they can do while they are waiting. In order to ensure the letter is helpful and fit for purpose, we asked some People Bank members to test it. What our user testers said: How we responded: 1.... More
    Closed 24 May 2024
  • Financial Assessment feedback survey user testing - People Bank Involvement

    Financial services in East Sussex County Council want to improve their understanding of how clients experience the financial assessment process. To do this, they will be providing a short feedback survey with each client’s financial assessment results letter. In order to make sure the survey is fit for purpose, as well as quick and easy to complete, we asked People Bank members to user test it. WHAT PEOPLE BANK MEMBERS SAID HOW WE RESPONDED ... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • Access to mental health services survey user testing - People Bank Involvement

    East Sussex County Council want to understand how they can improve access to community mental health services in the county. Therefore, a survey is being conducted for all residents of East Sussex to take part in, asking about their experience of accessing community mental health services. In order to make sure the survey is fit for purpose, we asked People Bank members with an interest in mental health to user test it. WHAT PEOPLE BANK MEMBERS SAID HOW... More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • Bespoke adaptations survey user testing - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council provides a service for installing bespoke adaptations to eligible residents’ homes, including sending a contracted builder to visit the person’s home, to assess and install the adaptation. A new service contract is being written, so information on people’s experience of the survey is needed to inform this. A survey will be given to people who have previously used the service. This survey was user tested by some of our People Bank members to ensure it was... More
    Closed 6 September 2024
  • Reviewing our feedback project aim - People Bank Involvement

    In Adult Social Care we’ve started a new project to improve how we collect, analyse and act on feedback from adults who draw on our services. This includes compliments and other comments, as well as complaints. As part of the project, we have written project aims for how we collect and use feedback in Adult Social Care. The aims were user tested by some of our People Bank members to ensure they make sense and are meaningful. What People Bank members... More
    Closed 10 December 2024
  • Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment survey user testing - People Bank Involvement

    East Sussex County Council is doing an assessment of pharmacies in the county, which includes hearing from residents about their experience accessing local pharmacies. To gather this information a public survey will be done. In order to make sure the survey is clear, accessible, and easy to complete we carried out user testing with a People Bank member. What People Bank members said How we responded 1. Overall the survey feels... More
    Closed 17 January 2025
20 results. Page 1 of 1