471 results
Consultation on a proposal to make a significant change to West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School
East Sussex County Council is proposing to amalgamate West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School on 1 January 2025 and to change the new all-through primary school's age range to 2-11 to take on the management of the West Rise Nursery. MoreClosed 24 May 2024 -
School Streets Design - Langney Primary Academy, Eastbourne
This consultation is about the School Streets Scheme for Langney Primary Academy, Eastbourne. East Sussex County Council (ESCC) are proposing to deliver a School Street Scheme for Langney Primary School . This aims to support a healthier local environment near to the school, by making it safer and more enjoyable for everyone in the community to walk, wheel or cycle. Following a successful temporary School Street trial in 2021, East Sussex County... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
School Streets Design - All Saints CE Primary, Sidley, Bexhill
This consultation is about the School Streets Scheme for All Saints CE Primary, Sidley, Bexhill. East Sussex County Council (ESCC) are proposing to deliver a School Street Scheme for All Saints CE Primary School. This aims to support a healthier local environment near to the school, by making it safer and more enjoyable for everyone in the community to walk, wheel or cycle. Following a successful temporary School Street trial in 2021, East Sussex County Council has secured... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
School Streets Design- Southover CE Primary, Lewes
This consultation is about the School Streets Scheme for Southover CE Primary, Lewes. East Sussex County Council (ESCC) are proposing to deliver a School Street Scheme for Southover CE Primary School. This aims to support a healthier local environment near to the school, by making it safer and more enjoyable for everyone in the community to walk, wheel or cycle. Following a successful temporary School Street trial in 2021, East Sussex County Council has secured funding to deliver a... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
Consultation on the East Sussex Autism Action Plan for all ages
East Sussex County Council is consulting about the development and creation of an Autism Action Plan for all ages. We would like to gather the views of Autistic residents, parents and unpaid carers, and others with an interest. The survey asks for your views on a range of services, facilities and opportunities in East Sussex for Autistic people. There are ten pages in the main part of the survey. If a topic isn't relevant to you, please skip it and move on to the... MoreClosed 10 June 2024 -
Supply and demand of places 9 months - 2 years old
The Department for Education has requested specific data in relation to the supply and demand of places for children aged 9 months to 2 years old to help them review potential additional funding for the expansion of places. MoreClosed 11 June 2024 -
Childminder survey
This survey is for childminders or childcare on domestic premises. MoreClosed 14 June 2024 -
Early Years settings survey
This survey is for early years group providers or schools. Following recent Ofsted inspections where concerns relating to the legal entities of the businesses were raised, we want to ensure business legal entities are clearly identified helping to avoid any risk of the removal of funding. MoreClosed 14 June 2024 -
Rother Parking Review 2 - formal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking, waiting and stopping restrictions in Rother District. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The... MoreClosed 17 June 2024 -
2024 School Bikeability Evaluation
We hope that the children from your school enjoyed the recent Bikeability training that was delivered by our Qualfied Bikeability Instructors. In order for us to improve our service delivery, we would like to ask you to fill in this short questionnaire to let us know how you felt about the overall experience of the training your school received. If you would like this information in an alternative format them please contact us via email at cycle.training@eastsussex.gov.uk on... MoreOpened 18 June 2024 -
Financial Assessment feedback survey user testing - People Bank Involvement
Financial services in East Sussex County Council want to improve their understanding of how clients experience the financial assessment process. To do this, they will be providing a short feedback survey with each client’s financial assessment results letter. In order to make sure the survey is fit for purpose, as well as quick and easy to complete, we asked People Bank members to user test it. WHAT PEOPLE BANK MEMBERS SAID HOW WE RESPONDED ... MoreClosed 21 June 2024 -
Survey on children's mental health and emotional well-being in early years settings
The East Sussex Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Team (MHEW) in the Education Division is leading a project on promoting the emotional wellbeing of children in early years settings. The aims of the project are: · to promote national information, advice and guidance on emotional wellbeing for parents & carers of under 5s, · to share good practice in establishing the foundations for good mental health in the early years, and supporting... MoreClosed 24 June 2024 -
Access to mental health services survey user testing - People Bank Involvement
East Sussex County Council want to understand how they can improve access to community mental health services in the county. Therefore, a survey is being conducted for all residents of East Sussex to take part in, asking about their experience of accessing community mental health services. In order to make sure the survey is fit for purpose, we asked People Bank members with an interest in mental health to user test it. WHAT PEOPLE BANK MEMBERS SAID HOW... MoreClosed 19 July 2024 -
Assessment and Moderation Early Years, KS1&2 2024 - a survey for schools
The East Sussex Assessment Task Group (ATG) wants to gather the views of schools on the 2024 assessment and moderation arrangements across the county, for Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2. The Assessment Task Group (ATG) was created to ensure that the local authority discharges its statutory responsibilities to assessment and moderation in a way that meets the guidelines set, but also in ways that work for schools. This involves including schools in the group, but also... MoreClosed 31 July 2024 -
Hastings Parking Review 2 - informal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Hastings Borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. The proposals for this review are shown in the drawings in the 'Related' section at the bottom of this page. Please take the time to look at these carefully and tell us your... MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
East Sussex BSIP Bus Priority Measures - Seaside & St Anthony's Avenue, Eastbourne
This is the consultation for the revised bus priority measures for Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue in Eastbourne as part of the East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) . The consultation has now closed. The revised bus priority design for Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue, Eastbourne proposes: Eastbound bus lane between Windermere Crescent and Seaside Roundabout to speed up journey times for buses, improve bus reliability and reduce congestion... MoreClosed 18 August 2024 -
Bespoke adaptations survey user testing - People Bank involvement
East Sussex County Council provides a service for installing bespoke adaptations to eligible residents’ homes, including sending a contracted builder to visit the person’s home, to assess and install the adaptation. A new service contract is being written, so information on people’s experience of the survey is needed to inform this. A survey will be given to people who have previously used the service. This survey was user tested by some of our People Bank members to ensure it was... MoreClosed 6 September 2024 -
Your experiences of communication and participation in Children’s Services
As Children's Services professionals, its essential that we all feel informed, clear and confident about the goals and direction of our collective work, and the role we each play. We need to feel able to share ideas, contribute to discussions and decisions and ask for the support we need to make the best possible things happen for the children and families we work with. In order to do this, the senior management team are reviewing how you're kept informed and how you're invited... MoreClosed 6 September 2024 -
Alfriston Village speed limit reduction
This consultation opens on the 23 August 2024 and closes on the 13 September 2024. It is proposed to reduce the speed limit in the village of Alfriston from 30mph to 20mph. The proposals include 30mph buffer speed limits on the northbound and southbound approaches to the village and an adjustment to the extent of the existing 40mph limit to the south of the village. The proposals will align the speed limits with the average speed of traffic and are... MoreClosed 13 September 2024 -
High Street, Alfriston - Double yellow line proposal
The consultation opens on the 23 August 2024 and closes on the 13 September 2024. It is proposed to install no waiting at any time (Double Yellow Lines) restrictions on the west side of the C39 High Street, Alfriston in place of the existing no waiting Monday to Sunday 8am to 7pm restriction. This is to assist in reducing congestion in the village. The proposals do not restrict loading or unloading operations. Initial consultations have been carried... MoreClosed 13 September 2024 -
Lewes Road, Blackboys, Speed Limit Reduction
The consultation opens on Friday 13 September 2024 and closes on Friday 4 October 2024. It is proposed to reduce the speed limit along a section of the B2192, Lewes Road, Blackboys, from 50mph to 40mph. The proposed 40mph speed limit covers C508 Star Lane and extents along B2192 Lewes Road, between Brownings Farm and the junction of Lewes Road/ Hollow Lane. The proposals will align the speed limits with the average speed of traffic and are appropriate to... MoreClosed 4 October 2024 -
A275 Cooksbridge Road, Cooksbridge - Proposed No Waiting At Any Time
The consultation opens on the 13th September 2024 and closes on the 4th October 2024. As part of the development of 27 dwellings on the site at Chatfields Yard, Cooksbridge Road, Cooksbridge (Permitted under planning application HW/LW/16/0935/MAJ) there is a need to consult on a Traffic Regulation Order. It is proposed to install new no waiting at any time (Double Yellow Lines) restrictions along the A275 Cooksbridge Road and Hamsey Lane. This is to allow... MoreClosed 4 October 2024 -
Childcare Sufficiency Duty - Parental Survey 2024
The Childcare Act 2006 and the statutory guidance Early Education and Childcare Guidance for local authorities requires local authorities to assess the sufficiency of childcare in their local authority area at least every three years. ‘Sufficient childcare’ means childcare that meets the needs of parents /carers in the area who need childcare so that they can take up or remain in work and/or undertake education or training which will help them... MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
Provider childcare sufficiency survey 2024
This information is a statutory duty for East Sussex County Council to collect. MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
Eastbourne Wheels4All Feedback
We hope that you have enjoyed your recent cycling session at Eastbourne Wheels4All. MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Coram Voice follow up questions
Do you feel like no one is listening to you? Well, let us introduce ourselves, we are the Children in Care Council (CiCC). We are a small group who work with social workers and the Virtual School for Children in Care plus some others to potentially improve things for you. We are all in care like you and come from different backgrounds and ages. Some of the things we have done recently is to improve things are to update the Children in Care Pledge that the... MoreClosed 11 October 2024 -
Eastbourne Town Centre - Terminus Road
The proposal aims to enhance accessibility and priority for walking and wheeling (people using wheelchairs and other wheeled mobility aids). It will improve connections for pedestrians and people with mobility issues in the town centre and to/from the seafront. This links with the earlier improvements between the railway station and Bankers Corner. It also links with plans for improvements between Bankers Corner and Langney Road. The proposed scheme includes improvements to the... MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Eastbourne Town Centre - Burlington Road
The proposal aims to enhance accessibility and priority for walking and wheeling (people using wheelchairs and other wheeled mobility aids). It will improve connections for pedestrians and people with mobility issues in the town centre and to/from the seafront. This links with the earlier improvements between the railway station and Bankers Corner. It also links with plans for improvements between Bankers Corner and Langney Road. The proposed scheme includes improvements to the public... MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Eastbourne Parking Review 2 - informal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Eastbourne Borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. The proposals for this review are shown in the drawings in the 'Related' section at the bottom of this page. Please take the time to look at these carefully and tell us your... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Statutory notice for the proposed amalgamation of West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School and change of age range
Part 1: Closure of West Rise Junior School Notice is hereby given in accordance with section 15 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (as amended by the Education Act 2011) and the School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council proposes to discontinue the following community school with effect from 30 April 2025. West Rise Junior School, Chaffinch Road, Eastbourne BN23 7SL. ... MoreClosed 8 November 2024
471 results.
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