East Sussex Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan Public Consultation 2020
Feedback updated 2 Nov 2021
We asked
We asked if the LCWIP networks connected the right places in the County, alongside asking you about your cycling or walking activity and whether there were any barriers.
You said
You raised several general issues; these are summarised as follows:
- Strategy – not in alignment with recent DfT guidance, needs greater consideration of disabled people’s needs, links should be made to local plan development sites, the plan should be linked to adjoining authority LCWIP’s.
- Infrastructure & scheme delivery - shared cycling and walking schemes are generally not supported, road space should not be allocated to active travel due to the risk of causing increased congestion, would like to see more traffic calming and 20mph speed limits, consideration should be given to equestrian users.
- Safety & training – greater regulation of cyclists, greater training for drivers in relation to consideration of cyclists, more cycle training for people of all ages.
- Document specifics – maps difficult to read and document too long.
You raised concerns in relation to specific geographic locations.
- A259 Newhaven – Rottingdean - concerns about the re-allocation of road space to cycling and walking infrastructure on this corridor.
- Croft Road, Crowborough – concerns raised about the options for pedestrianisation and impact on potential bus routing/bus stop access, deliveries, and traffic flow displacement.
- Broad Street, Seaford – concerns raised about potential pedestrianisation and impact on access for deliveries to shops and businesses
We did
A summary of the updates to the final LCWIP are: -
- Greater emphasis on walking
- Greater links to Local Plans
- Links with Neighbourhood Plans (NP’s)
- Commitment to investigate inclusion of schemes that meet with new government strategies and guidance (Gear Change Strategy & LTN 1/20)
- More emphasis on electric cycles, e-cargo bikes, and cycle parking (especially for electric cycles)
- Greater consideration to people with physical and hidden disabilities
- Links with leisure and tourism and open space
- Inclusion of maintenance for footways/cycleways
- Additonal information on funding the LCWIP
Results updated 2 Nov 2021
The majority of the consultation responses received were focussed on detailed comments related to individual schemes. These will be considered as the development of schemes come forward. However, many of the general responses raised formed under several similar themes which has enabled us to make some updates to the plan, particularly to re-emphasise some of the existing information which respondents felt was not clear enough in the plan.
- LCWIP Public Consultation Results Report September 2021, 399.6 KB (Office Word 2007 XML document)
- LCWIP Public Consultation Results Report September 2021, 6.4 MB (Office Word 2007 XML document)
The East Sussex Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) sets out proposed cycling and walking networks and measures within specific areas of the County. At this stage the plan indicates a potential alignment of a route; it does not contain detailed proposals.
It is focussed on areas of the County where there are the greatest opportunities to increase levels of cycling and walking, with an emphasis on delivering infrastructure improvements which will support those people who currently do not cycle or walk.
Having a plan in place will put us and our partners in a stronger position to secure future investment from a range of funding sources.
Why your views matter
The proposed cycling and walking networks indicate the potential alignment of a route or measure, demonstrating how they can connect people with the places they may often travel on everyday journeys, such as for school, employment, shopping or leisure.
So we want to know if we have connected the right places, and if not, give you the opportunity to tell us and share your ideas. We would also like to know about any current cycling or walking trips that you may take, any barriers that you face in cycling and walking and what measures you would like to see come forward in the future.
Before completing the questionnaire please refer to the East Sussex LCWIP Summary document. This will provide you with enough information to answer the questions. However should you require more detailed information on the development of the East Sussex LCWIP, please refer to the accompanying appendices.
What happens next
The results of the consultation will be reviewed in January 2021. Once the comments have been considered the document will be updated accordingly. We will look to seek approval of this document at ESCC Cabinet meeting early in 2021.
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