471 results
Hastings Parking Review 2018-19 - informal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Hastings borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. The proposals for this review are shown in the drawings in the 'Related' section at the bottom of this page. Please take the time to look at these carefully and tell us your... MoreClosed 21 June 2019 -
Lewes Parking Review 2018-19 - formal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Lewes district. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The consultation period... MoreClosed 5 July 2019 -
Eastbourne Parking Review 2019 - informal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in the borough of Eastbourne. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. The proposals for this review are shown in the drawings in the 'Related documents' section at the bottom of this page. Please take the time to look at these... MoreClosed 19 July 2019 -
Children’s Services Early Help Public Consultation
The draft Early Help Strategy Building Stronger Families sets out East Sussex County Council Children’s Services proposal to invest in Early Help from 2020-2023, and the proposed changes to current services. Our proposal is to fund and provide Children’s Services Early Help that supports the most vulnerable families and reduces child safety concerns, within available resources. The draft strategy makes it clear that Early Help is about the services and support we... MoreClosed 29 July 2019 -
Lewes District Car Parks Review 2019
We are proposing changes to some of the car parks in Lewes and are doing this with a change to the relevant traffic regulation order. The general effect of the Orders are as follows:- Allow the parking of motor caravans between 7pm - 10am in Buckle HGV Park and Esplanade Car Park. The reason for this is to encourage motor caravans to park in the car parks overnight rather than on-street on the seafront. Reduce the maximum height restriction to 1.9 metres... MoreClosed 2 August 2019 -
Proposals for Changes to East Sussex Parking Charges
We are asking for your views on proposals for changes to on-street pay & display parking charges and parking permit charges in the existing controlled parking areas in Hastings, Eastbourne and Lewes District. MoreClosed 11 August 2019 -
Have your say on support for working age adults
We want to improve the way we support working age adults, building on their strengths, providing care that maximises their independence and supporting more people to stay living at home. This will ensure our limited budget is spent on meeting eligible needs in the best and most cost-effective way. A working age adult is someone aged between 18 and 64. Long-term care means someone has met the Care Act eligibility criteria to receive ongoing support from us. How to... MoreClosed 13 August 2019 -
Hastings Parking Review 2018-19 - formal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Hastings borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The consultation... MoreClosed 13 September 2019 -
Environmental Champion
Environmental Champion is the project I have chosen for the apprenticeship I am taking. In the first instance I would like to find out what everyone thinks about our working environment at County Hall. If you can take a few moments to complete the survey by Friday 13 September I would appreciate it. We can all make small changes which can make a BIG difference. Please note: There are ten questions to answer which will be anonymous. The feedback will be used to... MoreClosed 13 September 2019 -
Rother Parking Proposals - Formal Consultation
In July we applied for permission to the Department for Transport (DfT) to introduce civil parking enforcement (CPE) across Rother district. It is a lengthy process and we do not anticipate it being introduced before April 2020, the exact date will depend on when we receive authorisation from DfT. The application follows our work with Rother District Council (RDC) to improve parking enforcement in the district. By introducing CPE the following benefits can be achieved: ... MoreClosed 27 September 2019 -
Summer Reading Challenge evaluation
The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4-11 to read six library books over the summer holidays to keep up their reading skills and confidence. They receive prizes along the way and a medal and certificate for finishing. MoreClosed 30 September 2019 -
Proposal to establish a special educational needs facility at Priory School
East Sussex County Council is proposing to establish a special educational needs (SEN) facility at Priory School from 1 September 2020. The facility would accommodate 12 secondary age pupils with a primary need of specific learning difficulties, with associated special educational needs (eg. anxiety or high functioning autism). This consultation will be open for your comments until Friday 11 October 2019. Why do we need to establish a SEN facility at Priory School?... MoreClosed 10 October 2019 -
Proposal to establish a special educational needs facility at Robertsbridge Community College
East Sussex County Council is proposing to establish a special educational needs (SEN) facility at Robertsbridge Community College from 1 September 2020. The facility would accommodate 12 secondary age pupils with a primary need of specific learning difficulties, with associated special educational needs (eg. anxiety and high functioning autism). This consultation will be open for your comments until Friday 11 October 2019. Why do we need to establish a SEN... MoreClosed 10 October 2019 -
Have your say on a proposal to close Fletching CE Primary School
East Sussex County Council has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient primary and secondary school places and is committed to working in close partnership with schools, academy trusts, the dioceses and key partners to ensure that the supply of school places across East Sussex is in the right location, is of sufficient size, is viable and of good quality. The local authority recently undertook reviews of rural primary school provision in East Sussex. The main focus of the... MoreClosed 11 October 2019 -
Have your say on a proposal to close Broad Oak Community Primary School
East Sussex County Council has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient primary and secondary school places and is committed to working in close partnership with schools, academy trusts, the dioceses and key partners to ensure that the supply of school places across East Sussex is in the right location, is of sufficient size, is viable and of good quality. The local authority recently undertook reviews of rural primary school provision in East Sussex. The main focus of the... MoreClosed 11 October 2019 -
Summer Reading Challenge Survey
The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4-11 to read six library books over the summer holidays to keep up their reading skills and confidence. They receive prizes along the way and a medal and certificate for finishing. MoreClosed 21 October 2019 -
Eastbourne Parking Review 2019 - formal consultation
We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Eastbourne borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The consultation... MoreClosed 15 November 2019 -
Consultation on potential changes to the delivery of the English as an Additional Language Services (EALS) Parents, carers and community stakeholders
All schools receive funding to support children with EAL, within their budgets. Each year the Local Authority needs to ask schools if they will continue to fund the EAL Service with this resource so that we can continue to run the service to support them. We will be consulting with schools in September in order to secure enough funding to continue with this service. If, by the 30 September 2019, we have not secured sufficient funding from schools to fund the EAL Service, the Local... MoreClosed 30 November 2019 -
Consultation on potential changes to the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS) - for completion by pupils and students
(Note: this is the survey for pupils and students. If you are a parent/community member please complete the other survey) In September, schools are deciding how they want to fund the way they support children and young people with English as an Additional Language (EAL) with the money they have for this purpose. If they decide not to fund the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS), East Sussex County Council will need to propose to close this service from 1 April... MoreClosed 30 November 2019 -
Phase 2 of the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement & Access Package
East Sussex County Council and Eastbourne Borough Council are working together to enhance and promote the vitality of the Town Centre. Between the 12 November and 10 December 2019, we are collecting your feedback and ideas about our proposals. Between Bankers’ Corner, Bolton Road and Langney Road, Terminus Road will be pedestrianised and the public realm improved to create an attractive and... MoreClosed 10 December 2019 -
Hastings – Pedestrian and Cycling Improvement Scheme
East Sussex County Council (ESCC), and Hastings Borough Council worked in partnership to develop a Hastings Walking & Cycling Strategy, with involvement from a variety of walking and cycling groups. ESCC was awarded funding from the Government’s Local Growth Fund (LGF) specifically to introduce measures to improve conditions for those walking, cycling and using public transport. This involved the identification of a network of walking and cycling routes, which provided links between... MoreClosed 13 December 2019 -
Statutory notice for the proposed SEN facility at Priory School
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 19 (1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE is proposing to establish SEN provision in a designated specialist facility on the site of Priory School, Mountfield Road, Lewes, BN7 2XN from September 2020. Priory School is a... MoreClosed 19 December 2019 -
Statutory Notice for the proposed change of age range at Stonegate CE Primary School
Notice is hereby given that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE is proposing to make an alteration to Stonegate CE Primary School, Stonegate, Wadhurst, East Sussex, TN5 7EN by lowering its age range from 4-11 to 2-11 with effect from 1 September 2020. Stonegate CE Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled School The governing board of Stonegate CE Primary School wishes to lower the school’s age range from... MoreClosed 19 December 2019 -
Statutory notice for the proposed SEN facility at Robertsbridge Community College
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 19 (1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE is proposing to establish SEN provision in a designated specialist facility on the site of Robertsbridge Community College, Knelle Rd, Robertsbridge TN32 5EA from September 2020. Robertsbridge... MoreClosed 19 December 2019 -
Have your say on school admission arrangements for 2021-22
This consultation outlines the proposed admissions arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools from September 2021. We are not proposing any changes to the admissions criteria . (See page 2 for more details and the opportunity to comment). Priory School, Lewes and Hailsham Community College’s criteria mirror that of the local authority. They will consider any comments made through this consultation. There is a proposal to increase the... MoreClosed 15 January 2020 -
Tell us about using pharmacy services when you have a hearing impairment (PNA 2020)
If you have a hearing impairment or care for someone who does, we want to know what you think about local pharmacy services. In particular, we want to know if your communication needs are being met by your pharmacy and any ideas you have for improving pharmacy services for people with a hearing impairment and their carers. How to take part You can fill in our short online survey or you can email your comments to consultationASC@eastsussex.gov.uk If you need this... MoreClosed 17 January 2020 -
NHS Health Checks Client Survey 2
The NHS Health Check programme aims to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. The programme invites those aged 40 to 74 who don't already have one of these conditions to a health check with their GP once every five years. As part of the check, people receive personalised advice on lowering risk and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. MoreClosed 21 January 2020 -
Statutory proposal for the closure of Broad Oak Community Primary School
Notice is hereby given in accordance with section 15 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (as amended by the Education Act 2011) and the School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE, intends to discontinue the following community school with effect from 31 August 2020. Broad Oak Community Primary School, Scotsford Road, Broad Oak, Heathfield... MoreClosed 6 February 2020 -
Draft East Sussex Health and Social Care Plan
Partners across the NHS in East Sussex, East Sussex County Council, Healthwatch East Sussex and the voluntary and community sector have been working together to draw up a Health and Social Care Plan for our county. The draft plan sets out the health and social care needs of our East Sussex residents, and how we intend to drive the transformation needed to meet them over the next 3-5 years. Through our new joint plan we want to continue our work to improve our population’s health... MoreClosed 1 March 2020 -
Eastbourne Mapbased TRO
East Sussex County Council are proposing a Map-Based Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for parking controls in Eastbourne This TRO removes the need for written descriptions of the parking controls by providing maps showing the locations throughout Eastbourne. The proposal reflects the existing controls on street and no physical changes are proposed. We welcome any comments you may have. After the closing date of 13 March 2020 we will consider all responses. We will be... MoreClosed 13 March 2020
471 results.
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