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444 results

  • Consultation on changes to the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS) - For completion by Pupils and Students

    (Note: this is the survey for pupils and students, if you are a teacher or a parent/community member please complete one of the other surveys). Following some changes in the way schools want to fund the way they support children and young people with English as an Additional Language (EAL), East Sussex County Council is proposing to close the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS). Instead, schools will directly provide this support themselves. If the proposal... More
    Closed 3 February 2019
  • Consultation on changes to the delivery of the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS) - Survey for Schools

    Following changes that were agreed at Schools’ Forum with regard to funding the support for children with English as an Additional Language (EAL), East Sussex County Council is in the position where we need to consider closing the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS). Instead, schools will be required to directly provide this support themselves in line with their statutory duties for this group of children. If the proposal goes ahead, East Sussex County Council... More
    Closed 3 February 2019
  • Consultation on changes to the delivery of English as an Additional Language Service (EALS) - For Completion by parents, carers, and community stakeholders

    Following some changes in the way schools want to fund the way they support children with English as an Additional Language (EAL), East Sussex County Council is proposing to close the English as an Additional Language Service (EALS). Instead, schools will directly provide this support themselves. If the proposal goes ahead, we will provide schools with online advice, information and guidance about how best to support pupils with EAL in schools and suggest services that can... More
    Closed 3 February 2019
  • Have your say on school admission arrangements for 2020-21

    This consultation outlines the proposed admissions arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools from September 2020. It also sets out the proposed schemes for co-ordination for the normal years of entry. We are proposing to adopt a change to the definition of 'previously looked after children'. (See page 2 of the survey for more details and the opportunity to comment). Hailsham Community College, Langney Primary Academy, Parkland infant and junior academies and... More
    Closed 15 January 2019
  • Rother Parking Proposals - Informal Consultation

    Rother District Civil Parking Enforcement proposals – Informal consultation Welcome This consultation will cover: What is Civil Parking Enforcement? What changes to parking are being planned? What might this mean for me? How can I comment? What happens next? More
    Closed 14 January 2019
  • Work Experience - Post Placement Survey

    Thank you for hosting a work experience placement(s) during the academic year 2017-18. Your support is greatly appreciated and has given young people the opportunity to learn about the skills, behaviours, roles, structures and career opportunities that exist within a workplace. This survey has been designed to capture your thoughts and views on hosting the placement. More
    Closed 24 December 2018
  • Highways Customer Panel - November 2018

    The Highways Customer Panel is a bi-annual survey to seek your views on the Highways Service. More
    Closed 30 November 2018
  • Statutory notice for the proposed SEN facility at Peacehaven Heights Primary School

    Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 19 (1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE is proposing to establish SEN provision at Peacehaven Heights Primary School, Hoddern Avenue, Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 7QY from 1 January 2019. Peacehaven Heights Primary School is a two form... More
    Closed 29 November 2018
  • Trial traffic signal and 20mph scheme, Alfriston

    East Sussex Highways on behalf East Sussex County Council are investigating the proposal to introduce traffic signals along the High Street in Alfriston between Star Lane and Weavers Lane. In May 2018, we were given approval from the Lead Member for Transport and Environment to conduct a trial traffic signal scheme in the Village to assess how well traffic signals will operate. Details of the May Lead Member meeting can be found on the County Council website here: ... More
    Closed 16 November 2018
  • Victoria Drive Zebra Crossing

    East Sussex Highways, have been commissioned to review pedestrian crossing facilities at the junctions of Victoria Drive/Green Street and Victoria Drive/Eldon Road. Green Street/Victoria Drive- Zebra Crossing Following site visits, pedestrian and vehicle surveys and a review of crash data and vehicle turning analysis, several options were considered for improving pedestrian access at this junction. Initial design... More
    Closed 5 November 2018
  • Practice education survey

    In this survey you can share your experiences of social work practice education across East Sussex and Brighton & Hove and have your say on the new support offer. The survey should take around 15-20 minutes to complete and will provide valuable feedback to gain an improved and more comprehensive understanding of how it feels to be a practice supervisor or educator and ensure the new offer meets your needs. Please take the time to complete this survey, this is our chance to share our... More
    Closed 24 October 2018
  • Work Experience Placement - Student Evaluation - 2017-18

    Work Experience provides students with the opportunity to gain an insight in to the working world. By undertaking a placement, students can get an idea of what employers require from their employees and to help them to make decisions about what they may want to do when they leave school. More
    Closed 19 October 2018
  • Proposal to establish a special educational needs facility at Peacehaven Heights Primary School

    What is the proposal? East Sussex County Council is proposing to establish a special educational needs facility at Peacehaven Heights Primary School from 1 January 2019. The facility would accommodate 8-10 junior age pupils with a primary need of Autism. Why do we need to establish a SEN facility at Peacehaven Heights Primary School? East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recently undertook a review of special education needs (SEN) provision in the county. One of... More
    Closed 14 September 2018
  • Proposal to establish a special educational needs facility at Grovelands Community Primary School

    What is the proposal? East Sussex County Council is proposing to establish a special educational needs facility at Grovelands Community Primary School from 1 January 2019. The facility would accommodate up to 8 pupils with a primary need of Autism. Why do we need to establish a SEN facility at Grovelands Community Primary School? East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recently undertook a review of special education needs (SEN) provision in the county. One of the... More
    Closed 14 September 2018
  • Highways Customer Panel - August 2018

    The Highways Customer Panel is a bi-annual survey to seek your views on the Highways Service. More
    Closed 2 September 2018
  • School Co-ordinator Evaluation - 2017-18

    East Sussex County Council offers a traded service for Work Experience to all secondary schools and academies in the county. Co-ordinators within school are responsible for placing students in to opportunties offered by providers. Support for this process is offered by the Work Experience Team. This evalaution is designed to capture the views of the co-ordinators to highlight areas that are working well and where improvements could be made. More
    Closed 31 August 2018
  • Introduction of Further Parking Restrictions in Crowborough

    The Traffic and Safety team has received numerous requests for parking restrictions in the Crowborough area. We have packaged these together and along with Sussex Police and the Town Council, we have decided to progress consultations to introduce a number of new parking restrictions. We have carried out a number of investigations at these sites and initial consultations have been conducted. Based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. ... More
    Closed 31 August 2018
  • Reviewing the Community Resilience Locality Networks

    We wanted to know how well the Locality Networks are working for local people and organisations and what could be done to improve them. Locality Networks bring together local people, organisations and communities to share knowledge, insight and experience about their locality and the health and care support provided within it. The networks are funded by the Council and co-produced with the voluntary sector. There are eight networks: Bexhill Eastbourne Hailsham and... More
    Closed 14 August 2018
  • East Sussex Music (Instrumental Teaching) Consultation

    How to take part in this consultation The consultation runs for 8 weeks, from 6 J une to 27 July 2018. We would like to hear from you whether or not you currently use East Sussex Music. We will do all we can to make it as easy as possible for everyone to have their say. Please note that there is a separate survey for children and young people which can be accessed here: There are a... More
    Closed 27 July 2018
  • East Sussex Music (Instrumental Teaching) Young Person's Consultation

    How to take part in this consultation The consultation runs for 8 weeks, from 6 J une to 27 July 2018. We would like to hear from you whether or not you use East Sussex Music. Please note that there is a separate survey for adults which can be accessed here: There are a number of ways you can give your views: By completing the questionnaire online By... More
    Closed 27 July 2018
  • Hastings Parking Review 2017-18 - Formal consultation

    We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in the borough of Hastings. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. More
    Closed 27 July 2018
  • Motivational interviewing app phase 2 survey

    Children's Services have worked with local developer, Vivid Digital, to produce a Motivational Interviewing app which has been designed to provide a refresher for practitioners in their day-to-day practice and as a teaching aid to support Motivational Interviewing training. Now in the second phase of development we are evaluating the app following its launch across Children's Services two months ago. Your feedback will be used to inform the next phase of development with the... More
    Closed 7 July 2018
  • B2244 Junction Road Bodiam 40mph Speed Limit Formal Consultation

    It is proposed to reduce the speed limit on a section of the B2244 Junction Road, Bodiam in the vicinity of Udiam Cottages and Udiam Farm from the current national speed limit of 60mph to 40mph. The lower speed limit is to facilitate a full barrier level crossing that is proposed to enable reinstatement of the railway line from Robertsbridge to Bodiam linking the Kent & East Sussex Railway with the mainline railway network. Initial consultations have been carried out. Based on the... More
    Closed 11 June 2018
  • A264 Blackham 40mph Speed Limit - Formal Consultation

    As part of East Sussex County Council's Speed Management programme, the A264 at Blackham has been identified for a 40mph speed limit. We have carried out a number of investigations and initial consultations have been conducted. Based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to the speed limit. More
    Closed 11 June 2018
  • Change of age range at Langney Primary School

    Langney Primary School currently offers early years provision for children aged 3-5. The governing body of the school wishes to lower the school’s age range from 3-11 to 2-11 to enable funded two year olds to access the nursery provision within the school. The aim of the proposal is to ensure that the nursery continues to offer high quality early education delivered by experienced and well-trained staff across the Early Years Foundation Stage. This will build on the work already done... More
    Closed 7 June 2018
  • Change of age range at Ditchling (St Margaret’s) CE Primary School

    The governing body of Ditchling (St Margaret’s) CE Primary School wishes to lower the school’s age range from 4-11 to 2-11 to provide nursery provision from the school site. The aim of the proposal is to integrate, fully, nursery provision into the Early Years Foundation Stage within the school. The governing body wishes to ensure an offer of high quality early education delivered by experienced and well-trained staff across the Early Years Foundation Stage. This will build on the... More
    Closed 7 June 2018
  • Hailsham Parking Review (Gleneagles Drive Area) - Formal Consultation

    A number of safety concerns relating to parking have been raised along Gleneagles Drive, with the main concerns relating to the lower section of Gleneagles Drive around the build-outs and including side roads. Safety concerns relating to parking have also been raised about the area of Gleneagles Drive close to Grovelands Community Primary School, located in Dunbar Drive. We have carried out a number of investigations and initial consultations have been conducted. Based on the feedback... More
    Closed 5 June 2018
  • Post 16 Transport Statement 2018-2019

    Each year local authorities are required to consult young people of sixth form age and their parents as well as other stakeholders on the Post 16 Transport Statement before it is finalised. More
    Closed 31 May 2018
  • After school clubs and holiday play schemes for disabled children and young people

    East Sussex County Council (ESCC) has worked with the East Sussex Parent and Carer Council to develop this survey, in order to seek views on improvements to the current provision of after school clubs and holiday play schemes for disabled children. Review of After School Clubs and Holiday Play Schemes ESCC currently runs some high quality after school and holiday play schemes for 5-19 year old children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). We want to... More
    Closed 30 May 2018
  • Have your say on the savings proposals for day services review (updated information)

    On 26 June East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet will meet to discuss the savings proposals for Adult Social Care, amongst others. Cabinet will also be making a decision on how to allocate the £1.6 million one-off funding we were allocated by Government in March. Despite the ongoing challenges we face, the Council remains committed to supporting and protecting vulnerable people and delivering the best services possible. As a department, Adult Social Care and Health has to find a way to... More
    Closed 28 May 2018
444 results. Page 12 of 15