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454 results

  • A264 Hammerwood to Holtye 40mph Speed Limit - Formal Consultation

    It is proposed to reduce the current speed limit of 50mph on the A264 Hammerwood to Holtye in part to 40mph. As part of the Speed Management Programme, this section of the A264 was identified as a priority due to crash history. The proposal will align the speed limit with the average speed of traffic, improving road safety on the bends in Holtye Road. Initial consultations have been carried out. Based on the feedback received, we are now... More
    Closed 5 June 2023
  • Burwash Road & Battle Road, Heathfield - Extension of 30mph Speed Limit

    A new housing development is currently under construction on the north side of the A265, Burwash Road, Heathfield, west of Newick Lane, on a site known as Cart Barn. As part of the planning permission granted for the site, an extension to the current 30mph speed limit on Burwash Road & Battle Road was included to help facilitate the safe passage of all road users. A plan of the proposed new speed limits can be found below. The consultation opens on Friday 19 May 2023 and... More
    Closed 12 June 2023
  • East Sussex School Term and Holiday Dates for 2024-2025

    East Sussex County Council would like to know your views on the proposed school term and holiday dates for the academic year 2024-2025. It is proposed that schools would begin the academic year on 02 September 2024 and continue through until 18 July 2025 (last day of term). Term 1: *Monday 02 September 2024 to Friday 25 October 2024 (40 school days) Term 2: Monday 04 November 2024 to Friday 20 December 2024 (35 school days) Term 3: Monday 06 January... More
    Closed 15 June 2023
  • SPACES Partnership - Decarbonisation funding survey

    The purpose of this survey is to gather information from SPACES organisations on their experiences of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and Public Sector Low Carbon Skills funding streams. This will help to explore the sharing of best practice, and to identify potential opportunities to collectively provide feedback to Central Government about the challenges of these funds. Even if your organisation hasn't applied for this type of funding before, your views are still... More
    Closed 16 June 2023
  • Grove Park School Reorganisation Consultation

    East Sussex County Council is proposing to reorganise and expand Grove Park School by lowering its age range and enlarging the Church Road premises to create an all-through school for nursery to sixth form on one school site, with effect from 1 September 2025 More
    Closed 23 June 2023
  • Share your experiences and help us support child safety in the home

    We need your help to develop services that support child safety and reduce accidents in the home for children under 5 in East Sussex. Health and care services are working together on this research. The aim of the survey is to help us understand how local parents and families access information and advice about child safety and how to reduce accidents at home. We are also conducting some focus groups on the same topics. By sharing your views, you will help us with... More
    Closed 30 June 2023
  • Hastings Parking Review 2022-23 - formal consultation

    We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking, waiting and stopping restrictions in Hastings Borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The... More
    Closed 30 June 2023
  • Digital Homecare Helper guide review - People Bank involvement

    The Being Digital team at East Sussex County Council are providing Amazon Alexa devices to adults living with disabilities, to understand how virtual assistance could benefit them. A guide has been created for participants to explain: ways to use the device, responsibilities of owning the device, data protection and information sharing. In June 2023, three People Bank members reviewed this guide and provided feedback to ensure it was understandable, engaging, and... More
    Closed 1 July 2023
  • Creation of the Citizens' Panel

    The Adult Social Care Citizens’ Panel is a group of clients, carers and residents who work with the department on a variety of topics. Panel members give feedback, co-develop ideas and co-produce policies and services. The panel is a sub-group of the People Bank and offers another opportunity to shape Adult Social Care services. The Citizens’ Panel was first set up in April 2022 to help develop the Adult Social Care strategy which was published in... More
    Closed 1 July 2023
  • PfPP energy efficiency survey

    Partnerships for People and Place (PfPP) is a joint project between East Sussex County Council, the Government, Citizens Advice, and Retrofitworks. We have been working together to test new ways of tackling fuel poverty and energy inefficiency in St Leonards. We want to understand how to improve support for people living in cold and energy inefficient homes or struggling to pay bills. You can find out more about this project on our website . If you have... More
    Closed 2 July 2023
  • Have your say on a proposal to close Holy Cross CE Primary School

    East Sussex County Council (the local authority) has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient school places to meet demand and is committed to working in close partnership with schools, academy trusts, dioceses, and key partners to ensure that the supply of school places across East Sussex is in the right location, is of sufficient size, is viable and of good quality. We know that schools can face challenges in meeting pupils’ needs, particularly where pupil... More
    Closed 21 July 2023
  • Youth Justice Service - How are we doing? Young People's Survey 2023

    Young people’s feedback We want your views about what works well and what could be improved in the Youth Justice Service. This will help us improve how we support young people and their families that are working with us. For us to know how well we are doing, we need to hear from you. What you tell us will be used to make our services better. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Want to win a... More
    Closed 23 July 2023
  • Youth Justice Service - How are we doing? Parents and Carers Survey 2023

    Parent and Carer Feedback We want your views about what works well and what could be improved in the Youth Justice Service . This helps us improve how we support young people and their families working with us. For us to know how well we are doing, we need to hear from you. What you tell us will be used to make our services better. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Thank you for taking the time... More
    Closed 23 July 2023
  • Assessment and Moderation Early Years, KS1&2 2023 - a survey for schools

    The East Sussex Assessment Task Group (ATG) wants to gather the views of schools on the 2023 assessment and moderation arrangements across the county, through Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The Assessment Task Group (ATG) was created to ensure that the local authority discharges its statutory responsibilities to assessment and moderation in a way that meets the guidelines set, but also in ways that work for schools. This involves including schools in the group, but also... More
    Closed 30 July 2023
  • Eastbourne Parking Review 2022-23 - formal consultation

    We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Eastbourne borough. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have previously carried out informal consultations and based on the feedback received, we are now formally advertising changes to parking controls. The consultation... More
    Closed 11 August 2023
  • Robo-Pet survey review - People Bank involvement

    The Being Digital team at East Sussex County Council have provided Robo-Pets to clients of Adult Social Care with early-stage dementia. As part of this pilot, they wanted to see the impact that the pet had not only on the client, but also on the carer, to see there was any benefit to the carers’ experience of supporting their client. To do this a survey will be sent to carers, which includes questions about the impact of the Robo-Pet on their role. We asked you to user test these... More
    Closed 31 August 2023
  • Drug & Alcohol support service survey review - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council is running a survey to gather insight to inform how the new drug and alcohol treatment service should look, when the contract renews in 2025. This includes the use of a survey for the residents of East Sussex to share their views. We asked People Bank members to user test this survey, to ensure it was engaging, clear and asking the right questions. Our user testers said: People may feel unable to contribute if they... More
    Closed 1 September 2023
  • Children and Young People's SEND Co-Production Charter

    The Children and Young People's SEND Co-Production Charter provides guidance around best practice when working with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilties (SEND). The aim of the charter is to ensure that staff and children and young people with SEND work together so that their voice is central to decisions. The Children and Young People's SEND Co-Production Charter has been co-created with children and young people with SEND, East Sussex County... More
    Closed 22 September 2023
  • East Sussex BSIP Bus Priority Measures

    PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CONSULTATION HAS NOW CLOSED - 25/9/23 The bus priority measures being proposed in this consultation form part of the East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) , which sets out our ambitious plans to improve the bus network across East Sussex and provide a cleaner, reliable alternative to car travel. The BSIP focusses on enhancing the bus network within East Sussex to complement and support wider transport investment across the country, encouraging a... More
    Closed 25 September 2023
  • Virtual assistant survey review - People Bank involvement

    East Sussex County Council is running a pilot, providing Amazon Alexa devices to clients of Adult Social Care, to support them with daily tasks and activities. The aim is to see if the device improves their independence, health, and wellbeing. At the end of the pilot participants will complete a survey to share feedback on their experience of the Amazon Alexa. We asked a People Bank member to user test this survey. Our user tester said: It... More
    Closed 1 October 2023
  • Lewes Parking Review 2023-24 - informal consultation

    We receive many requests for new or changes to existing parking and waiting restrictions in Lewes town and district. To manage these and make effective use of our budgets we have a priority ranking system. All requests are considered and locations given the highest priority are progressed as part of our regular reviews. We have also received comments about problems with parking in the Landport area. To gather more information we are asking for your views to see if a parking permit... More
    Closed 13 October 2023
  • Statutory Proposal to close Holy Cross Church of England Primary School

    Notice is hereby given in accordance with section 15 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (as amended by the Education Act 2011) and the School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013 that East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE, intends to discontinue the following voluntary aided school with effect from 31 December 2023. Holy Cross Church of England Primary School, Belmont Road, Uckfield TN22... More
    Closed 19 October 2023
  • Managers Conference- 5 October 2023

    Please complete the following feedback survey regarding the CET Managers Conference. More
    Closed 29 October 2023
  • Mind of My Own NU survey 2023

    Mind of My Own has been used in East Sussex since February 2022 and we would like to find out what support you need to make use of the valuable tool. More
    Closed 30 October 2023
  • Mind of My Own survey 2023

    Mind of My Own has been used in East Sussex since February 2022 we would like to find out your experience of using it with children and young people. More
    Closed 30 October 2023
  • Registration Service Staff Survey October 2023

    Staff Survey More
    Closed 31 October 2023
  • Review of the People Bank application form - People Bank involvement

    The Consultation and Insight team are working on updates on People Bank resources, including the application form for new members. As part of these changes the application form will serve a dual purpose of giving existing members the option to update us on any changes to their details, needs and interests. The form will sit on the upcoming People Bank webpage. We asked some People Bank members to review and user test the updates to the form. Our user testers said: ... More
    Closed 1 November 2023
  • Winter mailing letter review - People Bank involvement

    Every year we write to those receiving support at home and their carers to provide information and advice on staying safe and well over the winter. This year’s mailing covers staying well, financial support, and keeping connected. The draft letter was widely shared for comment to ensure the layout works well for people and the content is helpful. Two People Bank members provided feedback. Our People Bank members said: The winter letter is a... More
    Closed 1 November 2023
  • Support with Confidence survey review - People Bank involvement

    As part of East Sussex County Council’s consultation on the potential closure or changes to its Support with Confidence scheme, a survey will be used to gather feedback from the residents of East Sussex. We asked a People Bank member to user test the draft of this survey, to ensure it was clear and offered sufficient opportunity to provide an informed response whatever level of knowledge about the scheme. Our user tester said: The overview... More
    Closed 1 November 2023
  • Youth Employment

    This short survey is designed to get your views on what attracted you to working for the Council, your career aspirations for your time at ESCC, and to find out if you'd be interested in hearing more about training or development opportunities. More
    Closed 10 November 2023
454 results. Page 13 of 16